Coronavirus & Contracts – Protecting Massachusetts Attorneys & Clients from Risk
/0 Comments/in COVID Economy, Featured, Podcast Hubwonk /by Editorial StaffIn this episode of Hubwonk, host Joe Selvaggi and Pioneer’s Chief Financial Officer & Director of Government Transparency, Mary Connaughton, speak with attorney and entrepreneur Kosta Ligris about how Massachusetts’ requirement for live attestation for many vital contracts is putting attorneys and clients at risk of exposure to coronavirus. This episode examines which contracts require live witness, how modifications to the requirements can mitigate risk of exposure, and what concerned listeners can do to help.
Kosta Ligris is an attorney and lifelong entrepreneur who founded the Ligris Companies in Massachusetts. Kosta has over two decades experience in all aspects of real estate and mortgage banking, “from dirt to disposition,” including having provided legal services, title and settlement operations and regulatory compliance for some of the largest real estate firms and lenders in New England and beyond.
Mary Z. Connaughton, CPA, is Pioneer’s Director of Government Transparency and Director of Finance and Administration. Prior to joining Pioneer, she was a partner in the business development firm of Ascentage Group. Her professional experience also includes being an accounting instructor at Framingham State University and senior manager on the audit staff at Ernst and Young in Boston.
Mary served on the former Massachusetts Turnpike Authority board of directors. She was a member of the Massachusetts Commission on Judicial Conduct and was on the board of directors of Commonwealth Corporation. She was Chief Financial Officer of the Massachusetts State Lottery and served in the State Treasurer’s Office. Mary was formerly vice chair of the Framingham Finance Committee.
Mary earned an M.B.A. from Assumption College in 2009, as well as a B.B.A. in Accounting and a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Joe Selvaggi is the host of HubWonk. Joe is a US Navy veteran, entrepreneur, investment professional, former candidate for US Congress, and political commentator. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School. He lives in Boston.
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