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Candidate Selection Breakdown: Presidential Primary Primacy or Determined Delegate Detour

Joe Selvaggi talks with MIT Professor Charles Stewart III about the political party’s presidential candidate nomination process and what or who ultimately decides who is chosen.

Massachusetts is Losing Thousands of Taxpayers a Year. Where Are They Going?

Massachusetts is facing a net loss of taxpayers and AGI. Learn about where these taxpayers are migrating to, and potential reasons for that migration.

At a Glance: Who Moved to Massachusetts in 2022? 

State-to-state migration can have serious impacts on the local economy. Migrants to Massachusetts come from all over the country, but significant portions of both new taxpayers and new taxable income come from just a few sources, such as New England, New York, Florida, and California.

Do No Harm to the Health Policy Commission

With only weeks left in the Massachusetts legislative calendar, there are once again hundreds of proposed bills left for the legislature to deal with.  This means lots of backroom talks and deals will be required for the legislature to complete its work before the July 31 recess.  Many bills will be passed and many more will be sent to the legislative graveyard – all of it shielded from the light of day. Among this stack of bills is a health care “market oversight reform” measure passed by the House of Representatives and sent to the Senate. In large measure, H.4643 aims to plug the regulatory loopholes that allowed for-profit Steward Health System’s equity partners to pillage eight local hospitals.  Such […]

How Public Transportation’s Efficiency Changed During Covid

The MBTA’s efficiency plummeted during Covid; as people chose either personal transportation or personal work, the MBTA lost significant ridership. However, it maintained its vehicle fleet and the depth of its services even as its operating cost per passenger mile increased dramatically.