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UK’s Prof. Richard Holmes on Coleridge, the Ancient Mariner, & Poetry

Prof. Holmes delves into the life and literary legacy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the most significant poets of the Romantic era. Holmes offers a comprehensive overview of Coleridge’s early education, highlighting how classical learning deeply influenced his worldview and writings.

Controlling Drug Prices: Costs and Benefits of Direct Negotiation with Big Pharma

Joe Selvaggi talks with Bill Smith, Director of the Life Sciences Initiative at Pioneer Institute, about the Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on drug pricing negotiations and its potential effects on drug development, consumers, and taxpayers.

NYT’s Anupreeta Das on Bill Gates, Microsoft, & Tech Billionaires

NYT’s South Asia correspondent, Anupreeta Das discusses how she became interested in writing her acclaimed biography, Billionaire, Nerd, Savior, King: Bill Gates and His Quest to Shape Our World, emphasizing Gates’ corporate and philanthropic influence on our era.

Harris’ Tax Vision: Policy & Politics

Joe Selvaggi talks with Tax Foundation Vice President William McBride about the details and potential effects of the tax policy proposed by Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign

Poll: State Voters Overwhelmingly Support Ending Public Records Exemption, Auditing the Legislature

Views on legislative pay change when voters learn of 2023 analysis that found MA had nation’s “least efficient state legislature” BOSTON – Eighty percent of registered voters support eliminating the exemption to the state public records law claimed by the Massachusetts Legislature, governor and Supreme Judicial Court and making the records public, according to a new poll commissioned by Pioneer Institute and conducted by Emerson College Polling.  Only 6 percent support keeping the records private. “Massachusetts is the only state in which the governor’s office, the legislature and the judiciary all claim this exemption,” said Pioneer Institute Director of Transparency Mary Connaughton. “Clearly, that doesn’t sit well with voters.” Registered voters also support ending the state legislature’s exemption from audits the […]