Don’t Stop the Momentum on T Reform

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Today, Pioneer Institute submits testimony in support of MBTA bus maintenance and management reform at a hearing of the Massachusetts State Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight. The MBTA is proposing to outsource bus maintenance at 3 of its 9 garages, a practice which has been successful at regional transit authorities across the state.
The proposal would have minimal impact on the agency’s mechanics, who would remain in the Machinists’ union; but would free the T to make needed management improvements currently prohibited by contracts that limit the duties of Supervisors. Modernization of business practices as a result of the proposal could save taxpayers $11 million per year. Studies have found opportunities for improvement in the operation’s software system, standards, purchasing practices, and supply chain management. During the MBTA’s three-year exemption from the commonwealth’s anti-privatization law, the T has seen significant savings when private contractors have been granted oversight of warehouse operations and cash handling. These savings can be invested in critical system upgrades. Read our full testimony, and our op-eds, media coverage, and research below.

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MBTA Leak Tracker


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