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Cape Cod Restricts Fourth of July Parties: What’s the Economic Impact?

With Fourth of July parties getting out of hand in recent years, Dennis Police established measures to limit the number of beachgoers this year. This may have an impact on Dennis economically, but it is a choice Dennis feels is worth making.

Prof. Joel Richard Paul on Daniel Webster, U.S. Senate, & “Liberty and Union”

Prof. Joel Richard Paul discusses the statesman Daniel Webster, highlighting his reputation as the “conscience of New England” and one of America’s greatest orators. Prof. Paul shares that Webster, despite a modest upbringing, became a leading attorney whose arguments in landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases shaped constitutional law. 

What makes these five so-called “W” towns so appealing?

Learn about what makes these five Massachusetts “W” towns so desirable to live in, but also the costs associated with them.

Unlocking Affordable Housing: Sources and Solutions for Cost Crisis

Joe Selvaggi talks with Pioneer Institute Housing Fellow Andrew Mikula about his research on the causes and cures for our region’s highest-in-the-nation housing costs. 

Part II: Push and Pull Factors for Massachusetts Businesses

High UI tax rates make it expensive for businesses to operate in Massachusetts. Learn what affects a company’s decision to operate in Massachusetts.