A Name to Match Our Mission

PioneerLegal has adopted a new name and logo and is now known as the Pioneer Public Interest Law Center (PPILC).

The Legality of QALY under the ADA

This new report outlines several potential legal violations and negative implications for disabled individuals related to the adoption of the quality adjusted life years (QALY) approach to drug value assessment, used most prominently by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER).

Amicus Brief: Espinoza v Montana Department of Revenue

Pioneer Institute today announced that it has submitted an amicus curiae urging the United States Supreme Court to hear Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which challenges a state constitutional amendment marked by religious bias.

After Janus, Public Employers Must Obtain Informed Consent Before Collecting Union Dues or Agency Fees

This reports explains that in most cases a written waiver is sufficient for employees to have union dues or agency fees deducted from their paychecks.  The employee must be made aware of his or her right not to pay, and must not feel coerced or pressured to sign the waiver.

Amicus Brief: Ben Branch v. Commonwealth Employment Relations Board

Pioneer Institute, through its public interest law arm, PioneerLegal, has filed an amicus curiae brief in the case prepared by WilmerHale’s Mark Matuschak and Robert Kingsley Smith.