MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Businesses propose taxing consumers!!
My friends in the business community came out yesterday for a…

Erroll Tyler and the IJ lawsuit
Kudos to the Globe editorial page and to the Boston Herald for…

First Nick's Beef and Beer, then Triple D's, now. . .
In the Globe's front-page article this morning about a proposed…

Musings on the Governor's Transportation Plan
The title above is accurate -- these are simply musings because…

The Thin Blue Line Freezes Out Menino
UPDATE -- As the Herald reports today (and two commenters from…

Is global warming due to sulfur and not carbon
A great post by DA Mittell on his new blog (welcome to the blogosphere,…

Lincoln 200 and the US History MCAS requirement
Anne Neal of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA)…

Breaking News in Boston is Yesterday's News in Worcester
The Globe has been cranking out articles touting the virtues…

Somehow, Some Ideas Just Never Die
An editorial this morning in the Herald revealed that Congressman…

Boston School Choice Surprise
I've written previously on the Boston school lottery and last…

Government apples and private apples
I've always thought state policy is more interesting than federal…

Ban the Lobbyists and…
Someone finally read the outside sections of the Governor's budget…

In Defense of Michael Flaherty's Kitchen
City Councillor Michael Flaherty announced his candidacy for…

The Teachers Union Meets the Market
There's an interesting experiment going on in Boston right now…

16 Years Later, Merger Savings Realized!
As we contemplate a major shake-up of our transportation system…

The Governor's choice on charter schools
The Governor's proposal on charter schools does two things: It…

Additional Assistance is Gone?
The Governor's Budget was released today (well, some of it anyway,…

Great Moments in Public Management, Pt. MCMLXVII
New York's Inspector General has released a scathing report on…

MA budget woes and the federal stimulus package
Governor Patrick has to close a budget gap of at least $950 million…

Fiddling while the budget burns
It took about a year after I left the State House to realize…

What Problem Are They Trying To Solve
Bureaucracies have a wonderful, self-sustaining way of letting…

Will the Guv hit a homer on charters or more ho-hum
The Governor is making an announcement on charters. He has taken…