MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Out of the Mouths of Grad Students
Today's Globe has two interesting articles (one unintentionally…

Will Massachusetts’ economic recovery be short-lived?
Good news, everyone. According to today's Boston Globe, Massachusetts'…

Wacky Pension Hijinks, Pt. 2?
This morning's Globe raises some interesting questions about…

Wacky Pension-Related Hijinks
Or maybe not so wacky.
The estimable adamg over at Universal…

Psst… the Speaker may be trying to tell you something.
First, Speaker DiMasi went to a Greater Boston Chamber breakfast…

Build it and they will come?
I think we have heard that one before.
So now we are going to…

A Plea For Slightly Less Integrated Transportation Planning
The Herald's has done a fine job pointing out one of the dumb…

More Drapes? Enough with the drapes!
Sometimes smart people cannot learn. We are smart people in Massachusetts.…

What a Difference 100 Days Makes……
Remember the early days: "We strongly believe that good governance…

Be Careful What You Wish For: Participatory Democracy Dept.
The relaunch of devalpatrick.com was accompanied by great fanfare,…

Ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic. Or a lot dramatic, but interesting…

Budget Minutiae – Part 2 of a 700 part series
More interesting fun with amendments and earmarks --
What if…

Crime in Urban Areas – Perception and Reality
At Pioneer's February conference on Revitalizing Middle Cities…

Budget Minutiae – Part 1 of a 700 part series
Spring in Massachusetts! Ahh, the joys... Opening Day, bulbs…