13 Questions for the Special Commission on Pension Reform

1) How many members of the commission really think pensions and…

The Laws of Economics Still Apply

Senator Bruce Tarr of Gloucester has filed an amendment to the…

NYPD not so blue

Police Chief Ed Davis has calmed the spikes in crime seen before…

New York 20, Boston 0

Tip of the cap to Whitney Tilson for directing me to this article…

The Buddy-Boy World of Massachusetts Public Pensions

Remember Tim Bassett? He's the guy who retired, took a pension,…

Haute Cuisine, anyone?

A little behind on this one, but I did want to direct people's…

Boston's proposed school assignment plan

Today's Globe describes the coalition that is forming to fight…

Obama v. Patrick

No, silly. There is not going to be a lawsuit just because the…

The Trust Deficit Grows

Yesterday, I got up on my soapbox and railed about the trust…

Paper cuts in Haverhill

Shawn Regan reports in the Eagle Tribune that “the greatest…

They are good at what they do

The National Education Association is, bar none, the most effective…

Taxation without trust?

I would like to follow up on my post last week regarding the…

Harry Truman he ain't

I know there are a lot of issues on the table right now, particularly…

One Day

That's all it took. We wait years for pension reform. Years…

The Return of Governor Deval Patrick

The House of Representatives is, as we go to press, engaged in…

Interesting Choices

I opened up my Globe this AM to be greeted by this Metro section…

Treasurer Cahill's Spring Cleaning

Allegations were made regarding the connections between the Treasurer…

Almost a million dollars an hour

One of my pet issues has been moving payroll and other short-lived…

Pick Your Favorite Earmark

The amendments to the House Ways & Means Budget are in!! Take…

National health plans competing with the private sector

John Graham of the Pacific Research Institute makes a great point…

Reform for Thee, Not for Me

The House passed a limited version (more to come, they promise)…

Potemkin Reform

It is becoming increasingly difficult to buy into the notion…

How Not to Advocate for Transit

Yesterday's Globe covered the expansion of the Green Line into…

Hmmm, Astrid Glynn returns

New York State Transportation Commissioner Astrid Glynn is resigning…

Try to make your point more skillfully. . . err, I mean more subtly

As I have been in the past critical of Michael Graham's column,…

The Revolving Door Also Swings Close to Home

There's been some hand-wringing recently over the increasingly…

Truth Telling

An eye-opening quote from the CBO's analysis of the proposed…

Is quasi-governmental power a 21st century skill

Robert Pondiscio of Core Knowledge passed on this nugget: Common…

Metrics Matter

Noah Bierman of the Globe had an interesting piece in Sunday's…

Going After the Cabbies

City Councillor John Tobin has proposed a sliding taxi fare scale…