MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

An even happier Fourth

... and perhaps an unhappy fifth. The deed is done. I made it…

Jim on WGBH – Housing

At 7 p.m. sharp (in three minutes), with David Wluka of the Massachusetts…

Give me a break – and a Happy Fourth

Over the weekend, someone was on the T griping about how people…

Revenge of the status quotists

In his letter to the editor (“Ed board shuffle: a lesson in…

Progress after Education Reform

So the "revisionistas" (a.k.a. status quotists, special interests,…

Wrong again, Glenn – PI is for one accountability system (4 of 4)

Finally, in his letter to the Globe editor Glenn talks of districts…

Micromanaging the Courts

The conference budget came out last Friday. There's plenty of…

What Glenn gets wrong – Ed Reform and progress (3 of 4)

I remember a rally in front of the State House when my daughter…

The EZ-ID License Plate Program

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The Estuaries Project: Massachusetts Estuaries Project

Roe Paper No. 11 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

The Electronic Grants System for Education: Michigan Department of Education

Roe Paper No. 10 2007 Author(s): Michigan Department of Education…

Consolidating Off-Road Vehicle Registration

Roe Paper No. 8 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

The Bid-to-Goal Program: San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department

Roe Paper No. 7 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

A Reform of Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Roe Paper No. 6 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

A Reform of Wetlands Regulations

Roe Paper No. 5 2007 Author(s): Kurt Gaertner — Publication…

The Wetlands Bankting Program

Roe Paper No. 4 2007 Author(s): John DeVillars — Publication…

The Building Permitting Automation Efficiency Program

Roe Paper No. 3 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

The Performance Bonus Pay Program: Dallas County, Texas Motor Vehicle Divison

Roe Paper No. 2 2007 Author(s): — Publication date: 2007-07-01…

The Charter Agencies Initiative

Roe Paper No. 1 2007 Author(s): Jim Chrisinger — Publication…

What Glenn glosses over – GIC and better coverage for teachers (2 of 4)

Odd that, in his letter to the Globe editor (6/30/07), Glenn…

Where Glenn Koocher agrees – GIC cost sharing (1 of 4)

In a letter to the Globe editor yesterday, it seems that Glenn…

When you are wrong

Does the PTA really represent parents? After the PTA's support…

When you are wrong, you are wrong. When you are right, you are right.

On NewsNight (NECN) last week, I wanted to communicate that…

The heart of the Pioneer Valley

Tip of the hat to Heather Brandon at Urban Compass -- a great…

They call it Pioneer Valley for a reason, 2

So what has all the reform in the City of Springfield led to?…

They call it Pioneer Valley for a reason, 1

One of the standout winners at the 2007 Better Government Competition…

Gratuitous Yankee Bashing

Not our traditional topic, but who can resist kicking the Yankees…

Movement on Pension Fund Consolidation

Pioneer brought up the idea of consolidation underperforming…

Sure, fight the housing shortage, just not here.

Is what's good for Springfield also good for Amherst? Friend…