MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

University Presidents Salary Comparison, Pt. 2
See how Massachusetts state schools' presidential salaries match up. Presidents with schools who have less than a 1,000 student enrollment are near the top of the list.

University Presidents Salary Comparison, Pt. 1
See how much each president of a New England public university makes.

Supreme Debt Consideration: Will Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation Get Passing Grade?
Joe Selvaggi talks with constitutional scholar Ilya Somin about the merits and likely success of the two Supreme Court cases Nebraska v. Biden and Department of Education v. Brown, which challenge the President’s constitutional right to cancel more than $400 billion in student debt.

Gargantuan Graduation Gift: Biden Writes Check From Taxpayers To College Grads
This week on Hubwonk, host Joe Selvaggi talks with Dr. Beth Akers, AEI Senior Fellow, about the recent presidential executive order to cancel an estimated $500 billion in outstanding student debt. They explore who benefits, who pays, and the likely effects on tuition and the borrowing habits of future students.

With Declining Enrollment, Public Colleges in Massachusetts Cut Back Adjunct Faculty Positions
The number of adjunct faculty positions is declining at public colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

Student Debt Cancellation: Paying For Your Neighbors’ College Education
Hubwonk host Joe Selvaggi talks with education financing expert Mark Kantrowitz about the $1.6 trillion in U.S. public student debt - who owes it, who stands to benefit from the Biden administration's recent promise for across-the-board student debt reductions, and what strategies are available to target only those most in need.

Urban Institute’s Dr. Matthew Chingos on the Year of School Choice & the Student Loan Debt Crisis
This week on “The Learning Curve," co-hosts Gerard Robinson and Cara Candal talk with Dr. Matthew Chingos, who directs the Center on Education Data and Policy at the Urban Institute. They discuss the “Year of School Choice,” the welcome 2021 trend of states across America expanding or establishing private school choice programs; as well as the student debt crisis in higher education.

College Debt Explained: Education Pays When Students Choose Wisely
Hubwonk host Joe Selvaggi talks with American Enterprise Institute resident fellow and education economist Beth Akers about the American student debt crisis (totalling $1.6 trillion). They explore who borrows, who is in debt, and which policy choices might best serve the financial needs of every student.

The COVID-19 Impact on Massachusetts Community College Enrollment & Success Trends
Enrollment at Massachusetts community colleges has dropped 32.61…

Student Loan Collective Bargaining: Leveraging Loan Aggregation for Better Rates
Join Hubwonk host Joe Selvaggi as he talks with Chris Abkarians and Nikhil Argawal, co-founders of LeverEdge, about how their new student loan platform uses loan aggregation and competition to secure better rates for student loans.

As college students and parents demand robust COVID-19 response, university finances suffer
COVID-19 is likely going to put severe pressure on college finances in the coming months due to costly added safety measures, cuts to state funding, and foregone revenue from campus housing, services, and events.

The Chancellor at this University Makes about 18.5 Times what an Average Employee at this Same University Makes…
According to MassOpenBooks, the average annual pay for UMass…

Boston companies can partner with public universities to create fintech skills pipeline
Read this op-ed in the Boston Business Journal.

Pioneer Institute Public Statement on UMass Financial Oversight
Contact Micaela Dawson, 617-723-2277 ext. 203 or mdawson@pioneerinstitute.org

Study Finds UMass Leadership – Not Campus Administrators – Bears Primary Responsibility for UMass Boston Budget Woes
University board approved irresponsible campus spending based…

New Study Urges State to Slow Down, Rethink Proposal to Protect Students from College Closings
Board of Higher Education proposal risks “false positives”…

Majority of Dues Paid by Mass. Public Higher Education Faculty Goes to State, National Union Affiliates
At state colleges and universities, portion that stays on campus…

Pioneer Institute Awards Gala to Highlight Proposals to Address Student Debt Crisis & Promote Job Training
Speakers Include John Sexton, NYU President Emeritus; Massachusetts…

Has UMass used financial aid packages to favor out-of-state students?
A recent Pioneer Institute report concluded that the University…

Policy Brief: UMass Has a Spending Problem
Author: Greg Sullivan
Date: 6/6/2018
Pioneer's Director of…

Public Statement: Admission Bias Against Massachusetts Residents
Freshman admission to the University of Massachusetts’ flagship…

Study: UMass Amherst Admissions Standards Now Higher for MA Students than Non-Residents
Freshman admission to the University of Massachusetts’ flagship…

Public Statement: Pioneer Institute Questions UMass Amherst’s Purchase of Mt. Ida Campus
Between September 2015 and the fall of 2017, Pioneer Institute…

The Crazy World of College Presidential Salaries Part 2: A Deeper Look
Part 1 of this blog series on MA state colleges and universities…

Public Statement On UMass Boston Finances
According to a State House News Service story yesterday, Education…

Pioneer is critical because UMass is critical
The University of Massachusetts system is critical to the future…

Op-ed: UMass leaders fail Boston campus
By Greg Sullivan Friday, April 14, 2017
The University of…

The New Game of Life: Tuition and Debt
Back in 2005, the Milton Bradley Company launched a new version…

Op-ed: Time for UMass system to implement needed fiscal reforms
As University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan considers…

With UMass Tuition Hikes on Horizon, Key Issues for Legislators to Consider
Pioneer Institute Public Statement
Later this month, the University…