MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Common Core’s Cloudy Vision of College Readiness in Math (by Sandra Stotsky)
Common Core’s egalitarian tentacles are now slithering towards…

More Than One Fatal Flaw in Common Core’s ELA Standards (by Sandra Stotsky)
There isn’t just one fatal flaw in Common Core's English language…

Why Common Core’s Math Standards Don’t Measure Up (by Guest Blogger Ze’ev Wurman)
Guest Post by Ze'ev Wurman (biography below)
Last year William…

Weak on Unemployment Insurance Reform
As we head into the end of the first half of the two-year…

What To Do Once Common Core Is Halted (by Sandra Stotsky)
What could states do once implementation of Common Core’s standards…

10 Questions About ACA/Obamacare Implementation in Massachusetts That Need to be Answered
1. Why is Massachusetts giving the federal government…

Why Do They Lie? And Why Do Others Believe Them? (by Sandra Stotsky)
One of the most puzzling phenomena in recent years is the unquestioned…

ACA Premium Roller Coaster for Small Business Coming to Massachusetts
A handful of owners of small companies in the Commonwealth…

Ed Glaeser’s Straw Man on Common Core (by Jim Stergios)
In today’s Globe, Ed Glaeser, an economist by trade and…

Mass. charter schools: No sector like it in the US
In 1992, Pioneer published a book that had the kind of squishy…

60% of MA Docs Will Not Meet Ch224 Electronic Medical Record Mandate
Putting aside a lengthy discussion about the merits of and cost…

Federal Fig Leaf or Flexibility? (by Ted Rebarber)
As the fight over the national Common Core academic standards…

Memorial Day: Honoring Our Fallen Soldiers and Cherishing Our Freedom
For many, Memorial Day is regarded as the official kick-off of…

Update and Public Statement on Continued Lack of Transparency on the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Massachusetts
The following is a statement from Pioneer Institute executive…

When Is a Tax Not a Tax?
When is a tax not a tax? When no one pays it.
That’s basically…

New “Grace Period” For ACA Implementation in Mass
These are strange days in healthcare. Even the Boston Globe is…

Basic information about IEP access lacking in Massachusetts public schools
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), geared at students whose…

Wanted: Internationally Benchmarked Standards in English, Mathematics, and Science (by Sandra Stotsky)
The many flaws in Common Core’s standards are finally beginning…

Oregon Medicaid Results: Half Full or Missing the Point?
Much as been written this past week about the second year results…

Anti-Common Core News Round-up (May 3): Daily Caller, Heritage, AFT, Ed Week, Wash Times, IN, MO, NY, WI, ID, TN, AZ
As opposition to Common Core national education standards picks…

What Anti-Common Core Activism in Tennessee Portends
Across the country, from Florida to Michigan, Colorado to Alabama,…

A stress on informational reading in the English class will not develop “critical” thinking (by Sandra Stotsky)
One of the sales pitches for Common Core's English language arts…

Do “cold” readings of our historical documents “level the playing field”? (by Sandra Stotsky)
Two of the many bizarre ideas that the “chief architect”…

ACA’s Alice in Wonderland Twist: HHS Unilateral Delay of Regulations
A recent decision by HHS illustrates the arbitrary nature…

Upholding the Spirit of Boston
We at Pioneer are thankful that our loved ones are safe. …

Open the Boston taxicab “market” to competition
The Boston Globe's Spotlight team has done a great job uncovering…

Untold Story of Small Biz Delay under ACA, Just Déjà Vu from Massachusetts
The revelation that the Obama Administration will delay the roll…

Will Mass Unmerge Insurance Marketplace Because of ACA?
I have written numerous times about the impact that the ACA…

What would you do with a half-billion dollars?
The next time you’re watching those dollars ring up at the…

The state’s economic strategy is selling us short
Megan Woolhouse's piece entitled "Shut Out" in the Boston Globe told…