Tag Archive for: teacher

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

NCTQ’s Kate Walsh on the Crisis in K-12 Teacher Prep, Quality, & Evaluation
This week on “The Learning Curve,” Cara and Gerard are joined by Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality. They discuss the qualifications of those who enter the teaching profession, explore teacher preparation, and key differences between teacher preparation, accreditation, and job prospects in the U.S. and other countries. They also speculate about what a Biden presidency might mean for K-12 education policymaking, and discuss how to diversify the teaching pipeline.

Study Finds Vast Majority of Teacher Union Dues Fund State and National Affiliates
Local MTA affiliates that conduct collective bargaining negotiations…

New Report on Advanced Civics for U.S. History Teachers, Preface by Churchill Biographer
Study Recommends That States Require Passage of U.S. History…

States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading Linked to Common Core
States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading…

Contracting for Performance: Teacher Union Contract Langiage in Massachusetts
Teacher Union Contract Langiage in Massachusetts Author(s): Pioneer…

Differential Pay for Math and Science Teachers
Author(s): Theodor Rebarber and Kathleen Madigan — Publication…

Teacher Contracts in Massachusetts
Author: Dale Ballou, University of Massachusetts at Amherst This…