Open Letter to MA Governor Charlie Baker Regarding Boston Commuters from Points West

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Pioneer Institute understands the importance of the state’s transportation infrastructure and how it impacts everyday life. We have worked relentlessly to present policy solutions to help fix the MBTA, including the establishment of the highly successful Fiscal and Management Control Board. We draw on factual research and the deep expertise of our senior staff to drive the conversation we need to have about making the T not only perform acceptably – but serve Massachusetts residents with excellence.

But there is much more work to do, and reducing congestion is one of our major policy goals.  We see the I-90 Allston Multimodal Project as a key factor that could dramatically impact commuters from the west by burdening them with woefully longer commutes. Ultimately, the project will transform the region and provide the opportunity to improve the state’s economy and the quality of life in Massachusetts. However, in choosing a project design, policy makers must heavily weigh the impact on those who will be most affected during the project’s construction. Accordingly, we are making our concerns known to the Governor through this Open Letter, including mitigation strategies to minimize commuter pain.

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