MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

New Study Warns of Emergence of Two-Tiered Public Education System in Massachusetts

Contact Jamie Gass, 617-723-2277 ext. 210 or jgass@pioneerinstitute.org Overall…

Study: No Longer A City On A Hill: Massachusetts Degrades Its K–12 History Standards

The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education…

Study: UMass Amherst Admissions Standards Now Higher for MA Students than Non-Residents

Freshman admission to the University of Massachusetts’ flagship…

Study Finds MA Inter-District School Choice Program a Success, but Should Be Updated

Policy makers should raise tuition rate, cap on program enrollment BOSTON…

Press Release: Birmingham Touts 1993 Ed Reform Act’s Success, Expresses Concerns about Recent Policies

BOSTON - Massachusetts Education Reform Act co-author and former…

Draft History and Social Studies Frameworks Continue Trend Toward Dumbing Down Public School Content

Weaker ELA and math standards have already produced declines…

New Documentary Highlights Impact of Bigoted “Blaine Amendments”

Read op-eds about the film, by Raymond Flynn, former Ambassador…

Press Release: Definitive Biographer of Pope St. John Paul II to Keynote Cristo Rey High Schools Event

Update: Watch the event videos below, in order. https://youtu.be/KP73PcC6uKk https://youtu.be/DEQLGcG6CnY https://youtu.be/MMq6eVfWASI https://youtu.be/PUDVuCUM5bA   Pioneer…

Press Release: Pioneer Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of Plaintiffs in Boston Charter School Case

Joins with Black Alliance for Educational Options and Cheryl…

Extended Summer Enrichment Programs Most Effective, Cost-Efficient

Part III of Pioneer Institute study series cites three approaches BOSTON…

Study: States Should Provide Parents With More Information About Homeschooling Options

Practice is growing rapidly; practitioners are becoming more…

Study Explores Potential for Medical Voc-Tech Education in Catholic Schools

Programs could help stem enrollment declines, provide opportunity…

Teaching The First World War In Schools Is Topic For Pioneer History Forum

Event to feature Pulitzer Prize winner, celebrated Pres. Wilson…

Study Debunks False Claims Against Charter Public School Funding and Demographics

Charter schools in Massachusetts educating more special needs…

Study: MA Charter Public Schools Have Lower Attrition Rates Than Sending School Districts

Charters also seeing higher special needs enrollment, helping…

Study: New Massachusetts Science Standards Inferior To Their Predecessors

As a result of ignoring input from a distinguished national expert, Massachusetts’ Next Generation Science Standards adopted last spring by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) fall short.

Be informed, especially today

Pioneer Institute's core mission is educating the public on policy…

Study Finds Boston Charter Students More Likely to Take and Pass AP Tests

Pass rates for African-American, Latino, and economically disadvantaged…

Cap, Talent Pipeline, And Facilities Funding Among Factors Prohibiting State Charter Sector From Achieving Scale

“Yes” vote on statewide ballot initiative could attract more…

New Video Release: The Time to Act

Today, Pioneer is pleased to present a powerful video about the bigger picture - why the fight to expand charter public schools matters to all of us.

Study: Massachusetts Charters Enrolling More English Language Learners

Charter ELLs have lower attrition rates, better academic outcomes…

Charter School Special-Needs Students Achieving Excellent Outcomes

Percentage Of Charter School Special-Needs Students Is Rising,…

Study Finds Common Core Incompatible With Catholic Education

Singular focus on workforce development conflicts with Catholic…