Tax Time

Some smart aleck once said that the two most effective reforms…

Who's the DINO Now

After a legislative hearing on public-private partnerships last…

Moral Hazard

The outcomes of the various bailout and stimulus packages already…

The Free Market Reponse to Partners-Blue Cross

Several folks, including a recent commenter, have posed a similar…

More Bailout Fun

First, the nonsense -- signaling the illogical end of this process,…

I hope I am or at least the Governor is misinformed

I have heard from folks who listen to the Eagan-Braude show on…

Told You So

My colleague, Jim Stergios, mused a few weeks ago about Bernie…


A rather odd article by Jamie Vaznis of the Globe on charters…


Ed Glaeser has an interesting and thoughtful piece in today's…

Will they give the money back?

As I was walking to work this AM, a cab (thanks hackney license…

If Kant had had a nose for public policy

Passed on by a friend with a mathematical appreciation for symmetry,…

Cut the Income Tax! Raise the Sales Tax! Lower and Raise Property Taxes!

Hey, its not my idea. It's a proposal floated by a consultant…

Parking garages are silly investments for the State

Today's Globe reports on a bond bill earmark that gives Salem…

Zoning out or zoning in-clusionary

Hot trends in local zoning include age-restricted villages, in-law…

Results in on Teach for America

What kind of impact does the influx of young, motivated people…

Patrick comes out for school choice!

Your Excellency, We at Pioneer were feeling as double-crossed…

One Last Word on the Film Tax Incentives

Yesterday's Globe had an article critical of the film tax credit…

What’s Going on at Higher Education

The Commonwealth released a mundane piece of annual debt disclosure…

Benefit blowout

You are constantly berated for not saving money, folks. You overspend.…

Lottery Questions

Interested in how your town fares under the Lottery -- take a…

Hope is not a strategy

The Great Beacon Hill Foodfight has now reached the Big Apple's…

Teacher shortages

I love the Education Intelligence Agency. Click HERE to enter…

Floor falls out in California housing

On the LA Times blog today there is a distressing bit of news…

Boston Cops and the Civil Service Commission

Michelle McPhee, late of the Herald and currently on WTKK, has…


Slate's Tim Noah attempts to draw a parallel between Obama's…

School choice programs increase 84 percent in 5 years

No, not here, silly. In the rest of the United States! Do I have…

Seeking better bylaws: Zoning for new housing and historic preservation.

Chris Skelly at the Massachusetts Historical Commission asked…

Open Markets and Open Skies

The thicket of regulations which used to govern air travel between…

I went to a fight

...and a birthday party broke out. Sheesh, two police reports…

WaPo on Michelle Rhee and quality teachers

The keynote for this year's Better Government Competition, which…