Day 11: Put virtue in virtual school regulations

For Aristotle, virtues required wisdom, the ability to find balance…

The Limits of Data

Here at Pioneer, we are all for data-driven decision-making,…

Day 10: Decentralize decisions in failing urban districts

Sometimes failure is not just in a handful of schools, but in…

Day 9 – Tested innovation for failing urban schools

Countdown to World-Class Schools summarizes 12 actions the incoming…

Day 8: Give Urban Kids Access to a Rich Liberal Arts Curriculum

Countdown to World-Class Schools summarizes 12 actions the incoming…

Day 7: Strengthen STEM standards, instruction and assessments

While our student gains in math and science over the past decade…

Day 6: Attract and Retain High-Quality Math and Science Teachers

Massachusetts’ students have made impressive gains in math…

Day 5: Prepare effective teachers

It may sound like a platitude, but that doesn’t make it any…

Day 4: Recreate a strong accountability system

When you spend $9 billion a year on schools, accountability must…

On national standards, you get what you pay for

This week, State House News broke a story on the “cozy relationship”…

Dubious Connection of the Day

A search of the apartment belonging to the Russian spies turned…

Plagarized Post: Scrap the Muni Relief Bill

Sigh. This space takes enough potshots at the Globe, so they…

Day 3: Modernize state agencies to encourage local school reform

In a recent blog, I noted how bloated the Department of Elementary…

Thought Experiment

Substitute "Pioneer Institute" for "Health Care For All" in the…

Day 2: Strengthen the objective MCAS test

When Governor William Weld signed the Education Reform Act, no…

Day 1: Strengthen the richest liberal arts standards in the nation

The future belongs to the nation that best educates its citizens. That’s…

Countdown to World Class Schools

The next two years are going to see the roughest state and local…

The GOV and Senate President Are Right

...on racino licensing. Both are pushing back on racino proposals…

Patrick-Murray Campaign Upgrades to Latest Technology

A new piece of social networking hachi-machi to organize field…

Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Be Running for Tobin's Council Seat

10 - don't actually live in district 9 - weekend attire of Celtics/Red…

GOV's Race Machismo

This morning's newspaper reports that the LG was hospitalized…

Happy 4th – Gordon Wood on the Founding

Below is a video of an event, History and Civic Education, that…

Happy 234th Anniversary: On Love of Country

In just two days, we will celebrate the 234th anniversary of…

A painful budget for schools, not state officials

Governor Patrick signed a $27.6 billion budget for the upcoming…

Happy 234th Anniversary: On Individual Freedom & Dignity

In just a few days, we will be celebrating the 234th anniversary…

Happy 234th Anniversary: On Limited Government

In just a few days, we will be celebrating the 234th anniversary…

Happy 234th Anniversary: On Virtue (& Why Gov't Can Undermine It)

In just a few days, we will be celebrating the 234th anniversary…

Happy 234th Anniversary: On American Exceptionalism

In just a few days, we will be celebrating the 234th anniversary…

Power to the Children

The Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) will, this summer, have…