Scott Walker’s double

The biggest danger that the teachers' unions, and really all…

What does the Madison catfight mean for teachers?

The public debate in Wisconsin over the effort by Governor…

Good Stuff in Transportation

It's easy to be cynical in this day and age, so we've put together…

Governor Patrick Found the Silver Bullet for Cost Containment?

Thoughts on Governor Deval Patrick’s speech this morning about…

Blame Game in Massachusetts Health Care

An interesting piece from Paul Levy over at Not Running a Hospital. …

“For small businesses, a hesitancy to hire”

An illustrative piece in the Boston Globe today by Megan Woolhouse…

Real Competition at the Health Connector?

The Connector Board yesterday moved forward with plans to introduce…

The Changing Face of Boston Schools

Jamie Vaznis reports today on the possibility that there will…

Man versus Superman

Movies like Waiting for Superman have done a great public service…

Israel as First Stop?

Obligatory Throat-Clearing: There are a number of excellent reasons…

Governor’s Budget & Plan for Cities

When it comes to the aspects of the Governor's agenda that…

Governor Patrick’s Budget on Health Care: Playing Around the Edges

Medicaid (MassHealth) The Administration is feeling the heat…

Implications of the Harvard Pilgrim-Tufts Merger

Today's news brings word of a potential merger between Tufts…

Ever Met A Tax Incentive You Didn’t Like?

Remarkable to read the Globe's endorsement today of the latest…

Feds plug the Money Hole in Massachusetts Health Reform?

To close the loop from an earlier post on federal money being…

What we should we ask of the new UMass president?

With former Congressman and current chancellor of the University…

MBTA Parking Proposal Should Go Further

The MBTA is proposing to securitize its parking revenues (roughly…

Troubling Cost Trends in Massachusetts Health Care

Two trends that might determine the long term success of health…

GLOBE OP-ED: Mass. cities need new deal with public employees

The Mayor of New Bedford-- one of Pioneer's Middle Cities--…

Delivering a reality check

Back in October, a nasty teacher union v. school district battle…

VIDEO: Is Beacon Hill Rigged?

On a quiet Friday afternoon during the holidays, Beacon Hill…

How do student absences affect students?

A story in the Providence Journal focuses on Central Falls,…

Health $ Elbow Out Kids, Cops and Trees

Just wanted to share a dramatic graph from a recent Boston Foundation…

Payment Reform: No Government Mandate Needed

The move in the health sector towards payment reform took a big…

Full Disclosure

AEI edu-wonk Rick Hess went blue in the face in his Education…

Decrease Insurance Premiums or You’ll Be Sleeping with the Fishes

A study released this morning may lay out the possible future…

Choice for me but not for thee?

The Globe's op-ed page has been featuring several 'guest' columnists,…

Tax-Exempt Organizations 101

During this year’s election season, controversy arose regarding…

Ryan & Rivlin on containing health care costs

This week's Economist has an article worth reading on the various…

Groupon for the Public Sector?

Groupon (and its group-buying competitors) are all the rage in…