Memo re: public dancing

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To: Former Pioneer executive directors
Re: Attempts at dancing in public (photo available at

Having noticed a recent uptick in dancing activity by former executive directors, we urge great care be shown in considering public dancing. Our mission recognizes competing priorities, which may give credence to the view that former executive directors might like to dance in public. We urge great caution for the following six reasons:

1. Our mission calls for liberty, but also individual responsibility.
2. Our mission does call for accountability; further it emphasizes effectiveness. Where accountability and effectiveness are not observed, one must emphasize the need to “limit” certain activities.
3. Our mission emphasizes the application of free markets, and we have seen no desire on the part of free market agents to hire dancing directors (current or former).
4. We strongly urge removing wall photos of lithe ballerinas before allowing all publicly available photographs to be taken.
5. We strongly urge that cat-eye masks not be hung on the wall in such photographs, preferring that they be taken down, if need be, and placed on one’s face in order to mask one’s identity.
6. Finally, we strongly urge Greek line dancing as a way to ease into the art.

P.S. Great smile, and the Cowboy Up! T-shirt is a nice touch!