MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

An expert’s view of national standards’ focus on non-fiction texts
(Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times)
The Common Core national…

Change Coming for FSAs? Drop the “Use-it-or-Lose-It” Rule
HT to Meghan McCarthy at National Journal for the report and…

Sunset the Lawrence district school monopoly
One of two kids in the Lawrence Public School system do not…

Grossman wants to look squarely at reality
The treasurer’s call for a cut in the pension’s rate of return…

Rent Seeking in Mass Price Capping Law
After Moody's issued a credit negative analysis for hospitals…

Medicaid Patient Access in Mass
Yesterday the Massachusetts Medical Society released its annual…

Moody’s Report: New Mass Price Capping Law “Credit Negative” for Hospitals
In the soon to be long list of unintended consequences as…

Funny Business Ahead in Massachusetts?
Over at the Manhattan Institute, Paul Howard recently blogged…

The right reform path in Lawrence?
There are two issues that matter in K-12 education - what you…

Will Government-Directed Healthcare in Mass. Really Contain Costs?
Governor Patrick signed a new healthcare law today aimed at cost…

Pioneer’s Statement on “Cost Containment” and Payment Reform Bill
Another Lost Opportunity to Give Individuals and Businesses…

MA Goes For Top-down Health Care Policies
Even as “Massachusetts Health Care 2.0” legislation moves to the Governor’s desk for signing, and with it the heavy hand of top-down policies, individuals and companies in many other states are adopting market-based solutions.

Happy 100th Birthday to Milton Friedman!
Happy Birthday to Milton Friedman, who would have been 100 today.…

ACA Impact on Mass, Part 1: Low-income Residents will Pay More for Healthcare and Insurance
Affordability/ Subsidy levels for Low-income: How much will individuals…

How SCOTUS ACA/Obamacare Ruling Impacts Mass
Most of the press coverage has focused on the political angle…

Will New York Make Boston The Old Tech City?
Neil Swidey had a wonderful article (N.Y. vs. Boston: The…

Pulling Back the Curtain on Beacon Hill’s “Healthcare Reform 2.0”
T-minus 13 days until the end of the legislative session and…

Are Teachers Changing Their Unions?
The recent deal brokered by Stand for Children with the Massachusetts…

The obvious lesson for innovation schools
Two-and-a-half years have passed since the passage of the reform…

Jon Gruber’s RomneyCare/ObamaCare False Narrative
This morning, Steve LeBlanc of the Associated Press has another…

Are Fewer People in MA Paying the Indiv Mandate Penalty?
Since the Supreme Court upheld the ACA/Obamacare, there has…

The SCOTUS ruling’s impact on education policy
Internet traffic has been especially heavy for the past 32…

Pioneer Press Release on SCOTUS ACA Ruling
The Way Forward: Despite Supreme Court Ruling,
New Start Needed…

Making more than symbolic change in our schools
Today’s lead story in the Globe relates the three years of…

Public Pensions and Workforce – State Police Version
The recent announcement that State Police Superintendent Marian…

The Myth of Cost Control Legislation
The House passed their version of "cost control" last night in…

Guide to Mass Payment Reform Amendments: Sex Ed, Podiatry, and Acupuncture
Find me on twitter: @josharchambault
For those following at…

Falling short on the Lawrence school turnaround
In November 2011, the Board of Education decided to put the…

A big test at Madison Park Vocational
Over the past decade, while there has been incremental success…