MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Our Government Transparency Resolutions for 2016

While it's possible that 2016 will see an historic surge…

Two States, Two Bills, Two Different Takes on Transparency

This week, Florida State Representative Greg Steube and Senator…

Report Ranks Boston No. 1 in Income Inequality: What Does It Mean?

A report published last week by the Brookings Institution ranked…

Dr. King and American History

Today, America celebrates the legacy of The Reverend Dr. Martin…

GE comes to Boston: Here’s why

The Globe's Shirley Leung gets it right in her piece this afternoon…

Rather than Cut The Ride’s Services, Change the Service Delivery Model

On December 14th, the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control…

Helping Those with Mental Illness Find Treatment, Not Incarceration

Mental illness, the theme of our 2016 Better Government Competition,…

JOIN US! Big Business & Big Labor – Teaching U.S. Economic History

SAVE THE DATE: JANUARY 25, 2016. In this our second Gilded Age marked by international corporations and powerful labor unions, K-12 students need to understand the fundamentals of the economic history…

Happy Holidays!

This holiday season, we thank you for your support over the years.…

Horsing Around at the Gaming Commission

It’s time to quit horsing around at the Gaming Commission. Even…

West Virginia, Massachusetts and why the End Common Core ballot is going forward

When it comes to the "confidence game" that has been played around…

Helping Children Impacted by Mental Illness

Mental illness, the theme of our 2016 Better Government Competition,…

Document Request Reveals Which Commuter Rail Trains Are Frequently Delayed

There is a unique relationship between the MBTA and its riders…

Massachusetts Needs Its Own CBO

State Senator Jamie Eldridge is on to something.  The State…

What is the Lawn on D Costing Us?

Jon Chesto’s report in the Globe on Monday noted that the…

State Contractor Confirms: GLX Cost Overruns Due to Bid Process

As Pioneer first pointed out in a September blog post and again…

Why Mental Health, Why Now?

When the topic of “Improving Mental Health” was chosen, the importance resonated immediately. It may be more relevant than at any other point in our nation’s history. Every area of core government function is affected by the status of mental health. Our failure to find answers and reduce inefficiencies costs the Commonwealth innocent lives and millions of dollars each year.

Pioneer Statement on Next-Generation MCAS Announcement

We applaud the Baker administration for proposing that Massachusetts…

Fordham report predictable, conflicted

Guest Post by Richard P. Phelps On November 17, the Massachusetts…

A Step Forward on Meaningful Public Records Reform?

Yesterday’s Boston Globe editorial has it right - the time…

What True Education Reform Leaders Think About MCAS & Charters

An op-ed in Tuesday's Boston Globe urges Massachusetts policymakers…

How UMass can cut the $11 million

Yesterday, the Statehouse News Service reported that UMass President…

5 Reasons Students will Love the New Higher Ed Bill

Expanding scholarships, savings incentives, refinancing loans,…

MBTA Scorecards: A Work in (Backwards) Progress?

Three weeks ago the MBTA announced the long-awaited return of…

Pathways to Equal Opportunity: Vocational-Technical Education & the Liberal Arts

A century ago, two prominent African-American educators, W.E.B.…

September’s Come and Gone – and Where’s Public Records Reform?

How fitting is it that a bill meant to strengthen our anemic…

How To Tell If The Price Is Right: Fostering Transparency in Healthcare Prices for Massachusetts Consumers

Notwithstanding a Massachusetts law requiring the clear, prompt…