Document Library
Click the icons below to search through Pioneer’s reports and documents.
Academic Standards (65)
- Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time: A Transcript of Remarks Delivered by Civil War Historian James McPherson (41643)
- Remarks at 25th Anniversary Event for the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (40477)
- Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U.S. History Instruction under Common Core (36582)
- 2018 Proposed Revisions to Massachusetts History and Social Studies Frameworks (33741)
Better Government (109)
- Our Legacy of Neglect: The Longfellow Bridge and the Cost of Deferred Maintenance (40729)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal How MBTA Employee Unused Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions (38100)
- Testimony before the Joint Committee on Public Service of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding the Fiscal Condition of Local Retirement Systems (35892)
Charter Schools (42)
- Remarks at 25th Anniversary Event for the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (40477)
- Jane Doe v Peyser (24774)
- Seeds of Achievement: Appletree’s Early Childhood D.C. Charter Schools (23020)
- Innovation Interrupted: How the Achievement Gap Act of 2010 Has Redefined Charter Schooling in Massachusetts (22764)
Common Core (41)
- Remarks at 25th Anniversary Event for the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (40477)
- Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U.S. History Instruction under Common Core (36582)
- Review of Common Core Math Standards: Testimony to the California Academic Content Standards Commission (34701)
- Why Massachusetts Should Abandon the PARCC tests and the 2011 Coleman et al English Language Arts Standards on which the MCAS Tests are Based (34592)
Convention Center (7)
- Should We Build It? Two Views on the Merits of Boston's Proposed Convention Center (33241)
- The Boston Convention Center's shrinking market (28763)
- Flawed Forecasts: A Critical Look at Convention Center Feasibility Studies (24791)
- Does Boston Convention & Exhibition Center Expansion Really Pay for Itself? (20243)
COVID (33)
- As the COVID-19 Pandemic Spurs Consumer Shift to E-Commerce, the Massachusetts Sales Tax Collection System Deserves Renewed Scrutiny (27014)
- U.S. Transit Systems and COVID-19: How does the MBTA Compare? (26033)
- Telecommuting Survey Reveals Potential for Greater Shift Towards Remote Work After COVID-19 Pandemic (24684)
- Virtual Learning, Concrete Option: How virtual differs from remote learning during the pandemic (18803)
Economic Opportunity (89)
- Public Comment on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (45125)
- Public Comment on MassDOT’s I-90 Allston Multimodal Project National Environmental Policy Act Review Scoping Report (31232)
- PILOT Agreements: Nonprofits’ Fair Portion or Government Extortion? (31024)
- The Federal Tax Reform Act’s cap on deductions of state income taxes has turned Proposition 80 into an economic time bomb for Massachusetts (30161)
Education (175)
- Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time: A Transcript of Remarks Delivered by Civil War Historian James McPherson (41643)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- Remarks at 25th Anniversary Event for the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (40477)
- Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U.S. History Instruction under Common Core (36582)
Health Care (73)
- 340B Drug Discounts: An Increasingly Dysfunctional Federal Program (39626)
- The Elephant in the Room: Unfunded Public Employee Health Care Benefits and GASB 45 Public Employee Benefits Series: Part 3 (32121)
- Combating Opioid Addiction in Massachusetts: A Hospital-Based Solution Shows Promise in Reducing Relapses and ER Costs (31435)
- Will New England See Lower Prices from Drug Pricing Transparency Legislation? (29136)
Health Care Policy (Federal) (17)
- 340B Drug Discounts: An Increasingly Dysfunctional Federal Program (39626)
- Healthcare Prices for Common Procedures Are Hard for Consumers to Obtain Survey finds hospitals not prepared to give price information to consumers (25779)
- Comments on How Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) affect Smaller Pharmacies and Consumers (ID FTC-2022-0015-0001) (22442)
- Comparing the Clinical Quality and Cost of Secondary Care in Academic Health Centers and in Community Hospitals (21832)
Health Care Policy (MA) (53)
- Combating Opioid Addiction in Massachusetts: A Hospital-Based Solution Shows Promise in Reducing Relapses and ER Costs (31435)
- Will New England See Lower Prices from Drug Pricing Transparency Legislation? (29136)
- Consumer Driven Health Care: A New Agenda for Cost Control in Massachusetts (28906)
- A First Step Toward Retiree Healthcare Reform, But Much More is Needed (28838)
Higher Education (10)
- Differentiating Admission Standards at UMass-Amherst to Meet Out-of-State Enrollment Targets (28617)
- UMass At A Crossroads Part 3 UMass Growing Dependency On Tuition And Fees And Strategic Recruitment Of Out-Of-State Students (22907)
- A Risky Proposal for At-Risk Private Colleges: Ten Reasons Why the Board of Higher Education Must Rethink Its Plan (20269)
- UMass At A Crossroads Part 2 Is UMass Expansion Fiscally Sustainable? (20142)
Innovations in Medical Care Delivery (9)
- Mayor, Tear Down This Wall: Why Boston’s Ban on Convenient Care Clinics Is Costing Taxpayers Millions (26845)
- Testimony in Support of Expanded Access to Oral Health (22389)
- Testimony Against Price Control Legislation (21304)
- First Do No Harm: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Massachusetts’ Medical Device Industry (21047)
Interdistrict Choice & Metco (9)
- Expanding Educational Opportunities: Best Practices in U.S. Summer Enrichment Programs (23890)
- Expanding Educational Opportunities: Three Models for Extended Summer Enrichment Programs in Massachusetts (22804)
- Proving the Viability of a School Choice Voucher (20769)
- Expanding METCO and Closing Achievement Gaps (20449)
Life Sciences (16)
- 340B Drug Discounts: An Increasingly Dysfunctional Federal Program (39626)
- Will New England See Lower Prices from Drug Pricing Transparency Legislation? (29136)
- Are Drug Prices Driving Healthcare Cost Growth? (25541)
- An Act advancing health care research and decision-making centered on patients and people with disabilities (25102)
Massachusetts Economy (54)
- Public Comment on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (45125)
- PILOT Agreements: Nonprofits’ Fair Portion or Government Extortion? (31024)
- The Federal Tax Reform Act’s cap on deductions of state income taxes has turned Proposition 80 into an economic time bomb for Massachusetts (30161)
- Eight Reasons to Question Professor Cristobal Young's Conclusions about Millionaire's (30045)
Municipal Management (47)
- Public Comment on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (45125)
- Our Legacy of Neglect: The Longfellow Bridge and the Cost of Deferred Maintenance (40729)
- The Power to Take: The Use of Eminent Domain in Massachusetts (36008)
- Testimony before the Joint Committee on Public Service of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding the Fiscal Condition of Local Retirement Systems (35892)
Pensions (28)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- Testimony before the Joint Committee on Public Service of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding the Fiscal Condition of Local Retirement Systems (35892)
- Rolling the Retirement Dice: Why the MBTA Should Steer Clear of Pension Bonds (35774)
- The Reckless Cost of Investment Mismanagement at the MBTA Retirement Fund (35549)
Policy Briefs (140)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal How MBTA Employee Unused Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions (38100)
- The Reckless Cost of Investment Mismanagement at the MBTA Retirement Fund (35549)
- How to Save the MBTA More Than $100 million a year (34464)
Price Transparency (30)
- Will New England See Lower Prices from Drug Pricing Transparency Legislation? (29136)
- Consumer Driven Health Care: A New Agenda for Cost Control in Massachusetts (28906)
- Mayor, Tear Down This Wall: Why Boston’s Ban on Convenient Care Clinics Is Costing Taxpayers Millions (26845)
- MA Health Insurers Have Improved Their Consumer Price Transparency Efforts, But Significant Work Remains (26559)
Private School Choice (16)
- Survey of Summer Enrichment Programs at Independent and Parochial Schools in Massachusetts (21033)
- "And You Shall Teach Them Diligently": The History and Status of Jewish Day Schools in Massachusetts (20945)
- Be Not Afraid: A History of Catholic Schooling in Massachusetts (20334)
- Rhode Island Jewish Day Schools and Scholarship Tax Credits (19669)
Public Program Reforms (27)
- Rolling the Retirement Dice: Why the MBTA Should Steer Clear of Pension Bonds (35774)
- The Elephant in the Room: Unfunded Public Employee Health Care Benefits and GASB 45 Public Employee Benefits Series: Part 3 (32121)
- Combating Opioid Addiction in Massachusetts: A Hospital-Based Solution Shows Promise in Reducing Relapses and ER Costs (31435)
- PILOT Agreements: Nonprofits’ Fair Portion or Government Extortion? (31024)
Public Testimony (55)
- Public Comment on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (45125)
- Testimony before the Joint Committee on Public Service of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding the Fiscal Condition of Local Retirement Systems (35892)
- Review of Common Core Math Standards: Testimony to the California Academic Content Standards Commission (34701)
- Why Massachusetts Should Abandon the PARCC tests and the 2011 Coleman et al English Language Arts Standards on which the MCAS Tests are Based (34592)
Regulations and Permitting (3)
- Driving Critical Reforms at DCF: Ideas for a Direction Forward in Massachusetts’ Child and Family Services (23965)
- Testimony Before the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Regarding Government Transparency (23237)
- How Occupational Licensing Laws Reduce State and Local Tax Revenues: The Public Finance Case for Occupational Licensing Reform (18564)
School Choice (61)
- Expanding Educational Opportunities: Best Practices in U.S. Summer Enrichment Programs (23890)
- Common Core, School Choice and Rethinking Standards-Based Reform (23496)
- Seeds of Achievement: Appletree’s Early Childhood D.C. Charter Schools (23020)
- Expanding Educational Opportunities: Three Models for Extended Summer Enrichment Programs in Massachusetts (22804)
State Budget (17)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- PILOT Agreements: Nonprofits’ Fair Portion or Government Extortion? (31024)
- The Federal Tax Reform Act’s cap on deductions of state income taxes has turned Proposition 80 into an economic time bomb for Massachusetts (30161)
- Eight Reasons to Question Professor Cristobal Young's Conclusions about Millionaire's (30045)
Transcripts (69)
- Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time: A Transcript of Remarks Delivered by Civil War Historian James McPherson (41643)
- Remarks at 25th Anniversary Event for the Massachusetts Education Reform Act (40477)
- Should We Build It? Two Views on the Merits of Boston's Proposed Convention Center (33241)
- Transcript: Why Huck Finn Matters: Classic Literature in Schooling (30204)
Transportation (63)
- Public Comment on Draft Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Districts Under Section 3A of the Zoning Act (45125)
- Our Legacy of Neglect: The Longfellow Bridge and the Cost of Deferred Maintenance (40729)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal How MBTA Employee Unused Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions (38100)
Unfunded Liabilities (32)
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Eight Patrick Administration Budgets Later (40665)
- A $49 Million Sweetheart Deal How MBTA Employee Unused Sick Time Perk Enhances Pensions (38100)
- Testimony before the Joint Committee on Public Service of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regarding the Fiscal Condition of Local Retirement Systems (35892)
- Rolling the Retirement Dice: Why the MBTA Should Steer Clear of Pension Bonds (35774)
US History (15)
- Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time: A Transcript of Remarks Delivered by Civil War Historian James McPherson (41643)
- Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U.S. History Instruction under Common Core (36582)
- The Power to Take: The Use of Eminent Domain in Massachusetts (36008)
- 2018 Proposed Revisions to Massachusetts History and Social Studies Frameworks (33741)
Voc Tech Schools (9)
- Hands-On Achievement: Why Massachusetts Vocational Technical Schools Have Low Dropout Rates (22431)
- Vocational-Technical Education in Massachusetts (22094)
- Filling the Skills Gap: Massachusetts Vocational-Technical Schools and Business Partnerships (21320)
- Expanding Access to Vocational-Technical Education in Massachusetts (21097)
White Papers (266)
- Our Legacy of Neglect: The Longfellow Bridge and the Cost of Deferred Maintenance (40729)
- 340B Drug Discounts: An Increasingly Dysfunctional Federal Program (39626)
- Imperiling the Republic: The Fate of U.S. History Instruction under Common Core (36582)
- The Power to Take: The Use of Eminent Domain in Massachusetts (36008)