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Filename Bridgewater-Testimony-2.pdf
Filesize 901 KB
Version 1
Date added June 16, 2015
Downloaded 22858 times
Category Common Core, Education, Public Testimony

Author: Sandra Stotsky

Delivered June 2015

Overview of Testimony: Stotsky first describes her qualifications, as well as the lack of relevant qualifications in Common Core’s standards writers
and in most of the members of Common Core’s Validation Committee, on which she served in 2009-2010. She then details some of the many problems
in the 2011 Massachusetts ELA standards, written by David Coleman, Susan Pimentel, James Patterson, and Susan Wheltle (so the document
indicates), in the tests based on Common Core’s standards (PARCC), and in the two external reports—one issued in February 2015, the other
yet to be completed—comparing the PARCC tests with MCAS tests. She offers several recommendations for parents who want civically sound and academically rigorous standards and tests written and reviewed by English teachers and who want a form of accountability that doesn’t penalize their children’s teachers for results of tests based on the Coleman et al standards or Common Core’s standards.