Tag Archive for: Massachusetts

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

How Do Alternative Investments Stack up in State Pensions?
There are numerous expert opinion on the proper investment strategy…

The Downgrade: Perhaps A Yawn But We’re Not Alone
Since the end of the Great Recession in 2009, economic indicators…

Op-ed: Justification For 40% Legislative Leadership Raises Is Political Voodoo
When doing the people's will is secondary to legislators'…

Time to End Mass. Legislature’s Self-Exemption from Open Meeting Law
PRESS RELEASE: Pioneer Contends the Legislature’s Self-Exemption…

Study: Continuing Decline Over Last Decade In Massachusetts’ “Middle Cities”
Read news coverage of this report in The Springfield Republican, The…

Testing the Tests: Why MCAS Is Better Than PARCC
Study: MCAS Less Expensive, More Rigorous and Provides Better…

Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidates on K-12 Education Policy
K-12 education policy too often is the province of powerful special…

Study: 5% Increase in Spending Could End Urban Charter School Waitlists in Failing Districts
Study: Urban Charter School Waitlists Could Be Nearly Eliminated…

General Court Silent On Connector Meltdown: Connector Playing Whac-A-Mole With Enrollment
Due to poor project management and failing IT contractors, the…

Will ACA Cause Rate Shock in Massachusetts? It Appears So, Small Biz To See Premiums Rise Up to 97%
Conventional wisdom has held that the ACA impact on Massachusetts…

Pioneer’s Public Statement on the Conference Committee Budget

10 Questions About ACA/Obamacare Implementation in Massachusetts That Need to be Answered
1. Why is Massachusetts giving the federal government…

Sandra Stotsky Discusses Common Core
Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas,…

Fall River Herald News: Mass. students miss out on Native American history
Understanding the complexity our country’s Native American past requires knowing U.S. history. Preferring softer 21st century skills like “media awareness” and “systems thinking” to academics, the Patrick administration in 2009 postponed a requirement, starting with the class of 2012, that Massachusetts public school students pass a U.S. history MCAS test to graduate from high school.

Health Care Payment Reform’s New Bureaucracies
In Part 3 of Pioneer Institute’s series on Massachusetts’…

Big “Cadillac Tax” Ahead for Massachusetts’ Middle Class
A new brief from Pioneer Institute, The Impact of the Federal Health Law’s “Cadillac Insurance Tax” in Massachusetts, estimates additional costs associated with the ACA's so-called "Cadillac tax," will affect well over 50% of workers in Massachusetts.

Will Beacon Hill’s Payment Reform Work?
Pioneer Institute’s Health Care Policy Director Josh Archambault…

Agenda for Leadership 2010: Hit the Ground Running – Pioneer Institute?s Agenda for Leadership for 2010 and Beyond
Pioneer Institute’s Agenda for Leadership for 2010 and Beyond…

Press Release: Municipal Benchmarks for MA’s Middle Cities
Press Release on Pioneer’s new paper which takes a look…

School-Based Management: A Practical Path to School District Reform
A Practical Path to School District Reform Author(s): Cara Stillings…

Enrollment Trends in Massachusetts
Author(s): Ken Ardon — Publication date: 2008-09-24