Tag Archive for: Jim Stergios

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

American Rescue Plan Gives States Money, Ties Their Hands
For state governments, the good news is that the American Rescue Plan recently signed by President Biden will inject $350 billion into their budgets. The bad news is that it places unwise and possibly unconstitutional limitations on how states can use the money.

A wealth tax, a SCOTUS case, and a likely Mass. exodus
Op-ed in The Boston Globe: A case New Hampshire filed with the US Supreme Court last October against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts could have a huge impact on state finances nationwide. It also raises the stakes as the Massachusetts Legislature considers amending the state constitution to eliminate the state’s prohibition against a graduated income tax and to hike taxes on high earners.

Enacting ‘Millionaires’ Taxes’ Will Set Back State Recoveries
Even as countless citizens and businesses are struggling, many state governments are faced with large deficits that hinder their ability to help. As a result, some, such as Massachusetts, are considering raising taxes on high-earners to generate revenue. But in its report, “Connecticut’s Dangerous Game: How the Nation’s Wealthiest State Scared Off Businesses and Worsened Its Financial Crisis,” the Boston-based Pioneer Institute provides a cautionary tale about the dangers of going down the path taken by the Bay State’s neighbor, Connecticut.

Thank Think Tanks: Finding Trustworthy Information in a Partisan Era
Join Host Joe Selvaggi and Pioneer Institute’s executive director Jim Stergios as they discuss think tanks, their role in policy formation, and how they preserve trust and their integrity through independent, mission-guided research.

Contracting with private providers could avert MBTA cuts
In response to a collapse in MBTA service in the winter of 2015, the newly formed Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) set the authority on a course of bold reforms. The COVID-19 pandemic is once again presenting new and significant challenges to T leadership that require a rethinking of how service is delivered to stave off painful service cuts.

Executive branch overreach, blanket orders having harmful effects
At the outset of the pandemic, limited knowledge and the need to mitigate risk understandably led to political overreach. At this point in the disaster response, though, we are far better at distinguishing fact from fiction and policies that have worked from those that have not.

Sensible police reform includes changing ‘qualified immunity’ laws
Even in a time of painful divisions in our country, there is little doubt among people of good faith that what Derek Chauvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers did to George Floyd was criminal. If they are indeed convicted of a felony, how is it that the former officers could very well be immune from civil liability?

With Federal Health Law Facing Repeal, New Book Offers Alternative
U-Turn: America’s Return to State Healthcare Solutions

Op-ed: State should expand METCO
By Cheryl Brown Henderson and Jim Stergios
The Boston Globe…

Getting the T Back on Track
The reforms that the Massachusetts Legislature advanced at the…

New Book: “Drilling through the Core: Why Common Core is Bad for American Education”
With Common Core Collapsing, New Scholarly Book Informs Debate…

Press Release: New Book Aims to Make Mass. National Leader in Economic Mobility
Calls for changes in education, healthcare, the delivery of public…

New Report Outlines Massachusetts’ Experience with State Receiverships
Proposes legislation for MBTA emergency control board

WGBH: METCO Matters As Never Before
Six decades ago, the Supreme Court’s unanimous Brown v. Board…

Building the Machine – a review
What is Common Core? How did it start--and who drove it? Are…

Watch “Building the Machine,” New Common Core Movie
"Building the Machine" is an excellent primer on the fatal deficiencies…

Video: Setting the Record Straight on Common Core
There is so much misinformation on all sides of the debate on…

Going Beyond in Lawrence, Mass.
Pioneer Institute believes that all kids deserve access to a…

Jim Stergios on Fox & Friends: Common Core lessons politicize classrooms
Jim Stergios discussed political propaganda in Common Core…

Driving Reform: New Study on Real Solutions to Our Transportation Challenges

Countdown to Fiscal Sanity: Meeting the Challenge of the FY10 Budget
Meeting the Challenge of the FY10 Budget Author(s): Jim Stergios…

Massachusetts’ New Economy
Pioneer Executive Director Jim Stergios presents a comprehensive…

Pioneer’s 2013 Agenda: Jim Stergios, Executive Director
Pioneer Institute Executive Director, Jim Stergios, provides…

Hollywood’s in town

What Would the Founders Say About Common Core?

Why States Should Hop Off the National Standards Bandwagon

STERGIOS and ARCHAMBAULT: The way forward post-Obamacare

National Education Standards – A Confidence Game?

Consider what worked with Romneycare