Tag Archive for: Common Core

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Those Mathematical Societies That Supposedly Endorsed Common Core’s Standards Didn’t
Stanford University mathematics professor R. James Milgram included…

Doubling Down on Doublespeak
This past week, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by…

Study: Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History Instruction
Study Says Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History…

Gov. Jindal’s Common Core Lawsuit Draws on Pioneer’s Research
BOSTON - The legal complaint issued by Governor Jindal’s office…

What Wakefield, NH’s School Board Is Doing to Ensure a First-Rate Education for All Its Students
As state legislatures begin to pick up steam in their efforts…

On Common Core, a Study in Contrasts
In a front-page article in June, the Washington Post featured…

7 Major Differences between No Child Left Behind and Common Core/Race to the Top
1. Focus of Accountability: Schools or Teachers
Under No Child…

How to Turn a Sow’s Ear into a Silk Purse
Gates, Duncan, Fordham et al misunderstood from the beginning…

Legislative Common Core Remedy No Panacea
The next phase of the Great Game to control the minds of the…

A Fractured Testing Landscape
One of the benefits of waking up at 3 am to do some work is that…

States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading Linked to Common Core
States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading…

Study: New Technology, Relaxation of Protections Threaten Student Privacy
Press Release: Study Finds That New Technology, Relaxation of…

Common Core English and Math Standards Not Properly Validated
Study Finds Common Core English and Math Standards Not Properly…

Building the Machine – a review
What is Common Core? How did it start--and who drove it? Are…

Watch “Building the Machine,” New Common Core Movie
"Building the Machine" is an excellent primer on the fatal deficiencies…

Audio: Lead Mathematics Standards-Writer William McCallum
These audio clips are from Professor William McCallum's remarks…

Debunking Common Core Myths
One of the most interesting phenomena in the “Common Core War”…

Common Core Math’s House of Hay
More than once, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has described…

Is the Commissioner of Education Complying with the Law?
Twenty years after the passage of the landmark Massachusetts…

Video: Setting the Record Straight on Common Core
There is so much misinformation on all sides of the debate on…

Jim Stergios on Fox & Friends: Common Core lessons politicize classrooms
Jim Stergios discussed political propaganda in Common Core…

New York State Test Results: Uninterpretable But a Portent of the Future (by Sandra Stotsky)
In the original version of David Steiner's talk on the meaning…

Jamie Gass on Common Core National Standards
Jamie Gass, Pioneer Institute’s Director of School Reform,…

Sandra Stotsky Discusses Common Core
Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas,…

Common Core’s Race to the Middle in Colorado
Common Core’s Race to the Middle in Colorado. Introductory.…

Fallout from election 2012 on education
You can summarize the fallout of the elections on schools…

“Why Huck Finn Matters: Classic Literature in Schooling” (Sept. 19, 2012)
Pioneer Institute hosted a forum on September 19, 2012 at the…

Patriot Ledger: Changes in teaching leave Huck Finn out in the cold
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s decision to adopt weaker national standards known as “Common Core” cuts students' instruction in classic literature and poetry in half.

New Study Suggests Remedies for Common Core Literature Deficit
State and local education policy makers in the 46 states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards should emphasize the literary-historical content that already exists in the standards and add an additional literature-based standard to address Common Core’s lack of literary content.