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An Economic History of Health Care in Massachusetts 1990-2000

Author: Jerome H. Grossman, M.D. This report examines the Massachusetts health care system during the tumultuous period from the late 1980s to the close of the 1990s. This timeframe begins with the attempt in 1988 to become the first state in the country to ensure universal entitlement to health insurance and ends with the fiscal crisis of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and the general climate of uncertainty and angst that has beset the state’s health care system. Apart from describing the important events of this timeframe—and highlighting the pivotal decisions of earlier decades that set the stage for this period of upheaval—the report aims to illustrate more broadly ways in which the health care system in Massachusetts (and in the […]

Teacher Contracts in Massachusetts

Author: Dale Ballou, University of Massachusetts at Amherst This report is an initial effort to provide systematic information on teacher contracts in Massachusetts. In the summer of 1999, the Pioneer Institute solicited copies of the current contract from all districts in the state. From those that responded, 40 districts were selected to reflect the diverse make- up of the Commonwealth. Although there was no attempt to make the sample statistically representative, the three largest urban systems were included, along with a sample of suburbs and small towns. Care was taken to ensure a mix of high-, medium-, and low-income communities. In these 40 contracts, five topics were closely examined: 1) compensation; 2) teacher evaluation and discipline; 3) transfers; 4) layoffs; […]

This is a Test Post Using Co-Authors

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at erat tincidunt, tincidunt diam et, convallis nunc. Ut mi nulla, tincidunt non pretium at, porta sit amet sapien. Integer in ligula quis lectus egestas ullamcorper quis quis orci. Maecenas vitae vulputate neque. Ut vulputate ligula risus. Sed sed suscipit ipsum. Proin sed ante fringilla, ornare quam at, facilisis dolor. Vivamus a turpis ut nisi pellentesque tempor. Morbi sit amet interdum mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ut vulputate justo, vitae elementum justo. Nam vel dolor ac turpis tristique pharetra. Praesent non finibus risus, at porttitor leo. Vivamus placerat tincidunt erat. Aliquam dui libero, dictum efficitur mauris ut, congue commodo ante. Nullam ac […]

Test Post (Video Format)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut mollis, erat eu vestibulum pulvinar, tortor neque faucibus neque, eu posuere purus urna nec magna. Duis in venenatis orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris non maximus est, nec molestie massa. Cras commodo erat sapien. Quisque tempor id mauris vitae pellentesque. Vestibulum pharetra eros ut ante mattis, eu iaculis ex pulvinar. Integer luctus urna quis est efficitur vehicula. Curabitur malesuada commodo elit eget interdum. Sed congue erat nec fermentum dictum. Suspendisse sem erat, finibus eget tempor eu, mollis et odio. Cras blandit dolor lorem. Curabitur nunc ligula, scelerisque ut dictum at, dictum eu orci. Nunc non lectus molestie, tristique ligula id, ullamcorper neque. Integer eget felis at metus dictum molestie. Sed malesuada ante […]