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The Massachusetts Lottery Seeks Expansion

The Massachusetts Lottery is once again expanding, offering a new $50 dollar scratch ticket. Members of the House and Governor Healey have also backed a proposed FY24 budget provision creating an online lottery, or iLottery. While these measures are predicted to boost the state’s revenue and ability to provide local aid, state legislators should ask themselves whether these new changes represent sound public policy and align with other policies goals.

Fare-Free Public Transit in Boston: A Holistic View

In recent years, ridership on bus routes which run through low-income areas has increased due to programs which have eliminated fares on those routes. With some politicians looking to expand this to all Boston transportation, it is important to remember that while public transit is good for society, it is not a public good.

Boston’s Budget: Wu and City Council Debate

Learn more about the details of the latest Boston operating budget proposal. Mayor Wu and City Council debate on specifics of the bill, such as cuts to different services vital to the city.

Pioneer Study: Every Student Succeeds Act Not Meeting Needs of All Students

The most recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act makes some progress toward fulfilling the mandate that public school districts provide wide-ranging academic and educational supports to students who attend nonpublic schools, but there is more to be done.

Cara and Gerard on Their Time with The Learning Curve

This week on The Learning Curve, Cara Candal and Gerard Robinson close out their time as long-time cohosts of the podcast by sharing highlights and memories from over the last several years. They reflect upon the state of education reform, the growth of school choice, parental empowerment, the impact of the Great Books, and the wisdom of many well-known and influential guests.