Happy New Year from Pioneer Institute

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We hope you are taking time to celebrate and find peace during this season. Thank you for your support for Pioneer, which has helped us stay focused on steering the state’s debate on the pandemic response, and making progress on our key policy objectives. Here’s to a great 2021 for Massachusetts and the country.

Recent Posts

Study Finds MA Inter-District School Choice Program a Success, but Should Be Updated

Policy makers should raise tuition rate, cap on program enrollment BOSTON…

Time to End MA State Legislature’s Exemption from Public Records Law

The purpose of transparency laws is to promote more effective,…

MA Health Insurers Have Made Good Progress in Price Transparency, But Significant Work Remains

Read press coverage of this report in the Boston Business Journal and…

Op-ed: Time is right to study Jefferson in our schools

By Jamie Gass and Will Fitzhugh "Students of reading, writing,…

Public Statement: Pioneer Institute Questions UMass Amherst’s Purchase of Mt. Ida Campus

Between September 2015 and the fall of 2017, Pioneer Institute…

Press Release: Birmingham Touts 1993 Ed Reform Act’s Success, Expresses Concerns about Recent Policies

BOSTON - Massachusetts Education Reform Act co-author and former…

Time to End Legislative Exemptions from Public Records & Open Meeting Laws

Under Massachusetts law, the state Legislature is not considered…

Draft History and Social Studies Frameworks Continue Trend Toward Dumbing Down Public School Content

Weaker ELA and math standards have already produced declines…

Inadequate Inflation Adjustment Factor Will Subject Increasing Numbers of People to So-Called “Millionaires” Tax

Would take particular toll on those relying on home value appreciation…

Proposition 80 Won’t Generate $1.9 Billion Annual Projected Revenue

Passage of November 2018 ballot measure will make Massachusetts…

Op-ed: A Frankenstein’s monster attacks school literature

This op-ed appeared in The Springfield Republican, The Berkshire…

Proposition 80 Will Increase Out-Migration of High Earners and Businesses

Passage of November 2018 ballot measure would jeopardize Massachusetts’…

Op-ed: Time to lift up Boston’s voc-tech high school

Read this full op-ed in CommonWealth magazine. By Tom Birmingham…

Op-ed: Charters, Unions, And Public School Funding

Read this full op-ed on WGBH News. In the midst of the 2016…

Supreme Court Arguments in Compulsory Union Fee Case Set for Today

Outcome will affect similar petition pending before Massachusetts…

Study: New Federal Tax Law Would Exacerbate Economic Damage of Prop 80

This report earned media coverage on WGBH radio, WBZ radio,…