Happy New Year from Pioneer Institute

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We hope you are taking time to celebrate and find peace during this season. Thank you for your support for Pioneer, which has helped us stay focused on steering the state’s debate on the pandemic response, and making progress on our key policy objectives. Here’s to a great 2021 for Massachusetts and the country.

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Study: Financial Impact of Charter Schools Depends on Percentage of Funding Districts Receive from State

“Foundation” districts unaffected, but charter tuition may…

Baker’s Orwellian drug pricing policy

This op-ed by William Smith appeared in Commonwealth Magazine…

Study Urges Caution Before Adopting ICER Reviews to Determine Cost Effectiveness of Treatments

Review methodology could negatively impact elderly, the disabled,…

Public Statement on Alma del Mar Charter School Expansion

Last night, Jeffrey Riley, the Massachusetts Commissioner of…

Study: After-School Programs Can Help Improve Flat or Declining Math Achievement

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Announcing Pioneer Institute’s 2019 Better Government Competition: “Moving People & Goods Forward”

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Review of MBTA Twitter Alerts Finds Fewer “Delayed” Trains, Corresponding Increase in Those “Running Behind”

BOSTON - A review of four years of MBTA commuter rail Twitter…

Public Statement on MBTA Ridership & Pension Costs

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Co-author of Landmark Longfellow Bridge Study Optimistic about State Infrastructure Maintenance Investments

BOSTON - Reconstruction of the Longfellow Bridge is now complete,…

The Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth

Taking advantage of the public comment period, Pioneer Institute…

Study Finds Vast Majority of Teacher Union Dues Fund State and National Affiliates

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Study Finds MassHealth’s Enhanced Eligibility Verification Saves $250 Million a Year

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New Book on Massachusetts Charter Public Schools Touts Record of Achievement, Minimal Impact on District Finances

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