MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Curious Mike’s Visit to Rain Lily Microschool
In this episode of Microschooling Journeys, Curious Mike visits Rain Lily Microschool in Nassau County, Florida. He visits: Wow. Then he hears the two founders origin story. Kati is a veteran Montessori teacher frustrated with culture and teacher respect issues in her former school, dreaming of a place where all parents felt welcome. Tania trains in Cuba, and then with her husband makes the fraught journey to USA, and ends up working her way up the ladder. Like many, they have a dream of “their own” little school - but how?
Enter Wildflower Network. It’s a network for teacher-led microschools, and they help people just like Kati and Tania: with septic tanks, with website creation, with touchy legal issues, with building a sliding scale tuition model that can tap Florida’s public dollars. This episode is a little different stylistically: it’s Mike’s monologue. Tune in next time for an interview with Matt Kramer, CEO of Wildflower’s 70+ campuses, about expanding these innovative schools nationwide.

Study Finds Historic Drop in National Reading and Math Scores Since Adoption of Common Core Curriculum Standards
New study shows that, breaking with decades of slow improvement, U.S. reading and math scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and other assessments have seen historic declines since most states implemented national Common Core English and math curriculum standards six years ago.

Study: After-School Programs Can Help Improve Flat or Declining Math Achievement
Philanthropic, other organizations should consider providing…

Study Finds Declining Student Achievement and Increased Harm to School Choice Since Common Core
Read coverage of this report in The Daily Caller, Breitbart News,…

Press Release: Birmingham Touts 1993 Ed Reform Act’s Success, Expresses Concerns about Recent Policies
BOSTON - Massachusetts Education Reform Act co-author and former…

Study Finds Common Core Incompatible With Catholic Education
Singular focus on workforce development conflicts with Catholic…

Study: Poor Performance of Other States in PARCC Consortium Would Translate to Lower Standards for Mass.
Attacks on MCAS for not producing “college-ready” graduates…

Testing the Tests: Why MCAS Is Better Than PARCC
Study: MCAS Less Expensive, More Rigorous and Provides Better…

New Book: “Drilling through the Core: Why Common Core is Bad for American Education”
With Common Core Collapsing, New Scholarly Book Informs Debate…

Study: Common Core & 2 Testing Consortia Violate Federal Laws, Unlikely to Improve Academic Achievement
Study: Common Core and Two Testing Consortia Violate Federal…

Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester Should Recuse Himself from Upcoming Decision on PARCC & MCAS
BOSTON - Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell…

Pioneer Institute Statement on MBAE PARCC/MCAS Study
Recently, the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE)…

New Report: The Successes and Challenges of Educating Military-Connected Children
Study finds college and career readiness focus of Common Core…

Study: Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History Instruction
Study Says Common Core ELA Standards Will Further Harm U.S. History…

Gov. Jindal’s Common Core Lawsuit Draws on Pioneer’s Research
BOSTON - The legal complaint issued by Governor Jindal’s office…

States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading Linked to Common Core
States Should Adopt Stand-Alone Teacher Licensure Test in Reading…

Study: New Technology, Relaxation of Protections Threaten Student Privacy
Press Release: Study Finds That New Technology, Relaxation of…

Study Finds Poetry Slighted in Common Core English Standards
Significant overall reduction in time spent on classic literary…

Common Core English and Math Standards Not Properly Validated
Study Finds Common Core English and Math Standards Not Properly…

New Research on Common Core Damaging State/Local School Autonomy
Study Calls on U.S. Dept. of Education to Stop Using Adoption…

Celebrating 20 Years of Education Reform in Massachusetts
Birmingham, Weld Oppose MA Adopting Common Core, Call for Lifting…

Rejection of Anti-Common Core Model Legislation a Sad End to a Bizarre Process
Pioneer Institute's statement on the decision of the American Legislative Exchange Council Board to reject anti-Common Core model legislation that had been approved twice by ALEC’s education task force.

New Study Suggests Remedies for Common Core Literature Deficit
State and local education policy makers in the 46 states that have adopted the Common Core State Standards should emphasize the literary-historical content that already exists in the standards and add an additional literature-based standard to address Common Core’s lack of literary content.

New study finds that aligning state and local educational systems to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math will cost the 45 states plus the District of Columbia that have adopted them nearly $16 billion over seven years.

Despite three federal laws that prohibiting the federal government from directing, supervising or controlling K-12 curricula, the U.S. Department of Education has placed the nation on the road to a national curriculum.

Common Core Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade
Common Core Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade Former Massachusetts…

National Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade
National Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade Academic Standards…