MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Missing out on timeless literature
Guest View: Southern literature never ceases to inspire

The Boston Globe: Madison Park school needs autonomy to succeed
Madison Park school needs autonomy to succeed
By Jim Stergios

New Bedford Standard Times: Otis’ fiery speech a clarion call to teachers
This op-ed originally appeared in The Lowell Sun, Worcester Telegram…

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: “Lift Cap on Urban Charters”
By Nina Rees and Gerard Robinson
As former federal and state…

MetroWest Daily News: Chieppo and Gass: More charter schools to close the education gap
Chieppo and Gass: More charter schools to close the education…

MetroWest Daily News: ‘Trickle-down mandate’ hurts ed standards
Massachusetts should have conducted a cost analysis before adopting Common Core national education standards, as states like Alabama and California have done.

MetroWest Daily News: “Gass: State flunking the history test”
To ensure that knowledge of events like the War of 1812 would be passed on to successive generations, we must make passage of a basic U.S. history MCAS test a high school graduation requirement.

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Classics? The dickens you say
According to Pioneer Institute research, Shakespeare is one of the very few British writers named in the nationalized English standards adopted by the commonwealth and 45 other states. So, watching “A Christmas Carol” on television may be kids’ only exposure to the magic of Dickens’ characters.

Fall River Herald News: Mass. students miss out on Native American history
Understanding the complexity our country’s Native American past requires knowing U.S. history. Preferring softer 21st century skills like “media awareness” and “systems thinking” to academics, the Patrick administration in 2009 postponed a requirement, starting with the class of 2012, that Massachusetts public school students pass a U.S. history MCAS test to graduate from high school.

Taunton Gazette: The history behind what Brown, Warren were fighting for
BOSTON — The campaign between U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and challenger…

Lowell Sun: The Role of the US Senate Largely Unappreciated
BOSTON — The campaign between U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and challenger…

Patriot Ledger: State needs to step up U.S. history testing
Understanding the Senate’s importance requires knowing U.S. history. It's time to restore the U.S. history MCAS test so Bay State schoolchildren can learn how to perpetuate our deliberative democratic institutions.

Boston Herald: Give proven providers a fair shot
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education should put politics aside and support a new SABIS-run Brockton charter school.

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: Lawrence’s big school problem needs a big, bold solution
Jim Stergios The Eagle-Tribune
The usual rules apply when…

Patriot Ledger: Changes in teaching leave Huck Finn out in the cold
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s decision to adopt weaker national standards known as “Common Core” cuts students' instruction in classic literature and poetry in half.

Lowell Sun: Taking Huck Finn Out of Curriculum a Classic Disaster
With its adoption of Common Core, Massachusetts has chosen to hit the reset button on nearly two decades of unparalleled student achievement.

Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise: Taking Huck Finn Out of Curriculum a Classic Disaster
Because of the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s decision to adopt weaker national standards known as “Common Core,” students will learn less than half as much classic literature and poetry than they did under Massachusetts' previous standards.

Fall River Herald News: Common Core Takes Classics Out of Curriculum
But with its adoption of Common Core, Massachusetts has chosen to hit the reset button on nearly two decades of unparalleled student achievement.

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Schoolkids missing the Twain
But with its adoption of Common Core, Massachusetts has chosen to hit the reset button on nearly two decades of unparalleled student achievement.

Boston Herald: Intrusive to the Core
The so-called Common Core State Standards in English and math were almost entirely developed inside the Beltway by a small group of D.C.-based education trade organizations.

Fall River Herald News: Mass. should explore proven approaches to dropout prevention
There are three proven ways to reduce dropout rates that address this problem: regional vocational-technical schools, digital learning, and a serious refocusing on academic learning.

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: Lawrence school reforms must target all students, not a select few
We must act swiftly and boldly to enact far-reaching reforms that impact all of the Lawrence school district’s 13,000 students, not just a fortunate few.

Panel Convenes to Discuss Common Core in Utah

Don’t buy new ‘content-light’ Mass. ICCR standards

Are teachers changing their unions?

Full house hears panel’s criticisms of Common Core

Indiana Common Core Adoption Facing Stiff Opposition

New questions surround ‘common core’

Our View: Schools need to tighten, not ease oversight

A big test at Madison Park Vocational