MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Teaching the district a lesson

We’ve seen this movie all too many times. There was the kerfluffle…

School Choice Models and Public School Reform

School Choice Models and Public School Reform Event to feature…

How big of a deal was the 2010 ed reform law?

Back in January 2010, there was a lot of hoopla around the…

Rhee Out in DC

Got sad news in the middle of a screening of Waiting for Superman…

Higher State Charter Caps: A Small Step in the Right Direction


Mid-terms and the national education debate

The national standards may have been approved in nearly 40…

Can Big City Superintendents Fix the Schools?

When Adrian Fenty was elected as the mayor of Washington…

The Texas standards controversy: You decide

Gilbert King notes in his blog that Ironically, it was textbooks…

Common Core Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade

Common Core Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade Former Massachusetts…

Revenue sharing for cities is a non-starter

In today's Boston Herald Jay Fitzgerald penned a tough article…

Ed Reform going soft

The MCAS is different from most other state tests. It is a…

Ho-hum to the Guv on education

This morning on the Todd and Tom show on WRKO, Joe Battenfield…

Massachusetts gets Race to the Top grant

The Race to the Top grants have been made and Massachusetts…

Ed Commish "blatantly violated the law"

Patrick Anderson at the Gloucester Times reports today that Superior…

Day 11: Put virtue in virtual school regulations

For Aristotle, virtues required wisdom, the ability to find balance…

Day 10: Decentralize decisions in failing urban districts

Sometimes failure is not just in a handful of schools, but in…

Day 9 – Tested innovation for failing urban schools

Countdown to World-Class Schools summarizes 12 actions the incoming…

Day 8: Give Urban Kids Access to a Rich Liberal Arts Curriculum

Countdown to World-Class Schools summarizes 12 actions the incoming…

Day 7: Strengthen STEM standards, instruction and assessments

While our student gains in math and science over the past decade…

Day 6: Attract and Retain High-Quality Math and Science Teachers

Massachusetts’ students have made impressive gains in math…

National Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade

National Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade Academic Standards…

Day 5: Prepare effective teachers

It may sound like a platitude, but that doesn’t make it any…

Day 4: Recreate a strong accountability system

When you spend $9 billion a year on schools, accountability must…

On national standards, you get what you pay for

This week, State House News broke a story on the “cozy relationship”…

Day 3: Modernize state agencies to encourage local school reform

In a recent blog, I noted how bloated the Department of Elementary…

Day 2: Strengthen the objective MCAS test

When Governor William Weld signed the Education Reform Act, no…

Happy 4th – Gordon Wood on the Founding

Below is a video of an event, History and Civic Education, that…

Great news on Roxbury Prep Charter School

Here is a great outcome from the passage of the charter school…

Well, so much for objective analysis : MA DESE and RttT one more time

The Secretary and Commissioner of Education have repeatedly…

National standards talking points

Across the country, the NGA and the CCSSO will be using these…