MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Study: Common Core & 2 Testing Consortia Violate Federal Laws, Unlikely to Improve Academic Achievement
Study: Common Core and Two Testing Consortia Violate Federal…

Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester Should Recuse Himself from Upcoming Decision on PARCC & MCAS
BOSTON - Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell…

Why Massachusetts Should Abandon the PARCC Tests & Common Core
It is difficult to find any public analysis and comments by teachers,…

New Report: The Successes and Challenges of Educating Military-Connected Children
Study finds college and career readiness focus of Common Core…

Don’t Waste the Crisis over Common Core
The entire Common Core project is rapidly going south, and within…

Steps for States to Follow to Replace Common Core
To help out governors and state legislatures that really want…

Common Core’s standards can be replaced by first-rate standards overnight
In a funny story in the Washington Post on December 24, 2014,…

How to Make Common Core Useful?
What could be done to make the idea of a common core across 50…

James McPherson, “The Legacy of Lincoln”
Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War historian and Princeton University…

150 Years of Lincoln’s New Birth of Freedom
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation…

The Legacy of Anti-Irish Bigotry Blocks School Choice in the Bay State
Massachusetts is one of most "Catholic" states in the country,…

Wall Street Journal: New Front in Charter Schools
New Front in Charter Schools
In Massachusetts, a Pair of Democrats…

Why do district superintendents oppose charter schools?
When you ask that question, the usual answer is something about…

Pioneer Visits Phoenix Charter Academy
Pioneer Institute visited Phoenix Charter Academy in Chelsea,…

Pioneer Visits City on a Hill Charter School
Pioneer Institute visited City on a Hill Charter Public High…

Two new charter schools for City on a Hill
For the past decade and a half, February has served as the…

Preserving Charter School Autonomy in Massachusetts
New study recommends re-establishing an independent state Charter School Office (CSO), raising the statewide charter cap, and providing charter operators with the support they need to start and run a school.

Boston Kids Need Another Brooke Charter School
The state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s vote…

Bureaucratic teacher evaluations bring no change
Back in April 2011, the Globe editorial page touted "Education…

New Guide to Starting Online Schools
Online or virtual learning is growing rapidly across the United States, but those interested in starting an online school should first define their mission and target audience, because the size and nature of the student body will dictate subsequent decisions, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute.

Study Calls for Reinstating Passage of U.S. History Test as Graduation Requirement
The Massachusetts Legislature should require the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to reinstate passage of the U.S. history MCAS exam as a high school graduation requirement and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education should provide teachers in grades 6-10 with examples of specific texts that could be assigned to prepare students to read a seminal historical text such as Federalist #10 in grade 11 or 12, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute.

Low Dropout Rates at Voc-Techs
New Pioneer study finds that greater autonomy is a key to low vocational-technical high school dropout rates

SABIS Charter Lessons from Springfield
MassReportCards.com data show some surprising information about graduation and college attendance rates in Springfield.

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Classics? The dickens you say
According to Pioneer Institute research, Shakespeare is one of the very few British writers named in the nationalized English standards adopted by the commonwealth and 45 other states. So, watching “A Christmas Carol” on television may be kids’ only exposure to the magic of Dickens’ characters.

Pioneer’s www.massreportcards.com makes comparing schools a breeze
It’s no surprise to hear that public schools in wealthy communities…

Boston Herald: Give proven providers a fair shot
The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education should put politics aside and support a new SABIS-run Brockton charter school.

2013 Ruth & Lovett Peters Fellowship Opportunity
Pioneer Institute is thrilled to announce the second annual Ruth and Lovett Peters Fellowship, an opportunity for a current or recent graduate student with a passionate interest in education policy and strong entrepreneurial and analytic abilities.

“Why Huck Finn Matters: Classic Literature in Schooling” (Sept. 19, 2012)
Pioneer Institute hosted a forum on September 19, 2012 at the…