MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Small Employers, there is something you can do.
Many people have received coverage via health care reform and…

Go back to the Governor's bill
The Senate is going to be debating a bill that on the face of…

Innovation or re-inventing the flat tire
The state legislature's rewrite of the governor's two education…

Transparency — Bring it on
On Friday, my old agency released a report entitled “Measuring…

Charter opponents have no more legs to stand on
So the unions and superintendents tried the argument that charters…

More on the US DOE Inspector General's report
I have been at a meeting in North Carolina with budget watchdog…

Federal health care mandate and the Commerce Clause
Robert Levy, chairman of the CATO Institute, is a brilliant guy.…

Running the Numbers, Stimulus Style
You'll forgive me for being a skeptic about job creation numbers.…

Time to Activate the PAFNDAS
What's that? Why, its the Patrick Administration…

Good news on charter performance
From Marc Kenen of the Mass Charter School Association comes…

How is this for pushing hard, part 2
Whitney Tilson passes on additional news from RI. Given that…

How is this for pushing hard to obtain Race to the Top Funds?
In a recent post, I pointed to the new Commissioner of Education…

Will the Gloucester mess impact the charter cap lift?
Whether House Education Committee Chair Marty Walz was deflecting…

Breaking News – RI Ed Commissioner on seniority
From the Providence Journal:
RI education commissioner Deborah…

Committed to Maximum Transparency
The above words are Governor Deval Patrick's description of his…

Not Just Minutiae and Methodology
The Boston Globe has the power to set the agenda…

One more time on education funding
Given my previous post about the report from the US DOE’s Inspector…

US DOE's Inspector General questions MA funding of education
The Alliance for Excellent Education has released a report, Straight…

Interesting numbers on MA K-12 teachers
A very interesting story comes out of the Census data compiled…

K-12 enrollments down, number of teachers up
Our Education Intelligence Agency operative once again comes…