MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

MA tops nation in reading for 3rd time in a row
From the Department of Education's press release: "Massachusetts…

So whaddaya think about Sunday's vote?
Many thoughts but here are three key ones:
1) What a wasted…

Little settlement with words
Words have history, and that is really why they have power. All…

NPT: Rumblings in the non-profit underground?
The Non-Profit Times sends almost daily emails with surveys and…

EdWeek: Adopt standards or forget RttT funds
Yesterday, the Globe published an editorial that made the reasonable…

Public Higher Ed Committee Member Rips MA K-12 Standards
Lane Glenn, vice president of academic affairs at Northern Essex…

Don't give up pole position on standards!
There is little to add to today's Globe editorial on academic…

A world without public sector unions?
The Cato Institute just released a brief history of public-sector…

NY Times decades behind on standards
The editorial on the national standards in today’s New York…

MetroWest Daily: Not these national standards
The MetroWest Daily today also published a different op-ed piece…

Worcester T&G: Keep nat'l standards voluntary
Today's Worcester Telegram & Gazette editorial underscores that…

Wurman & Stotsky skewer the proposed national standards
In the past days, the announcements by Minnesota and Virginia…

And now VA takes a pass on national standards
Bob Stuart of the News Virginian reports that now
Virginia won’t…

Wow, That's A Promotion
MIT's Professor Peter Diamond, a well-regarded authority on employee…

Hole punched in national standards effort
As Sam Dillon of the New York Times noted our opposition to the…

Closing time for some libraries
There is a reasonable accommodation that has to be made as regards…

How to cut health insurance costs by 18%
Got your attention? The State has put a wealth of disclosure…

Senator Brian Joyce is right
The Herald has a piece today on Senator Joyce getting flak from…

Angelo Scaccia Has No Idea What Boston Gets in Local Aid
In the debate over the Lawrence loan bill, Hyde Park Rep. Angelo…

Shocking: AFL-CIO comes out aganist Central Falls superintendent
Yeah, I know. That's. Not. News. The only thing worth pointing…