Shocking: AFL-CIO comes out aganist Central Falls superintendent

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Yeah, I know. That’s. Not. News. The only thing worth pointing out is the title of their press release related to the position taken by the AFL-CIO’s Executive Committee:

Supporting the Students, Teachers, Staff and Community of Central Falls High School in Rhode Island

So, they’re against the superintendent, but supporting everyone else. Yup. I am not close enough to the situation to know if firing is the end-result that is necessary. But I am plenty close enough through friends, relatives and having grown up next door to know that the only way to get the unions to sit down and think seriously about the city’s 50 percent dropout rate was to do something radical.

The super and the unions are, not surprisingly, kickstarting negotiations. Good on Obama for supporting the way they sent the signal. Bad on AFT/Randi W and the AFL-CIO for doing the old ostrich crane of the neck into the mud.

Can some young, energetic leader stand up and represent a younger generation of teachers? Please?