MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

How do student absences affect students?

A story in the Providence Journal focuses on Central Falls,…

Health $ Elbow Out Kids, Cops and Trees

Just wanted to share a dramatic graph from a recent Boston Foundation…

Payment Reform: No Government Mandate Needed

The move in the health sector towards payment reform took a big…

Full Disclosure

AEI edu-wonk Rick Hess went blue in the face in his Education…

Decrease Insurance Premiums or You’ll Be Sleeping with the Fishes

A study released this morning may lay out the possible future…

Choice for me but not for thee?

The Globe's op-ed page has been featuring several 'guest' columnists,…

Tax-Exempt Organizations 101

During this year’s election season, controversy arose regarding…

Ryan & Rivlin on containing health care costs

This week's Economist has an article worth reading on the various…

Groupon for the Public Sector?

Groupon (and its group-buying competitors) are all the rage in…

Does the heroic reform model work?

School Choice Models & Public School Reform from Mike Dean on…

Questioning the Convergence on National Standards

The Southern writer Flannery O'Connor’s Everything that Rises…

Pete Peters

Four things come quickly, indelibly, to mind about the life of…

Massachusetts Health Care Transparency: Bright Enough Spotlight?

Massachusetts officials published online this week a database…

Rumblings of an earthquake in national education policy?

With Rick Perry said to be a shoo-in for the head of the Republican…

Pioneer Senior Fellow on PBS's NewsHour

Pioneer's Senior Fellow on Health Care, Amy Lischko, was interviewed…

Time to Remember

Lovett C. Peters died Thursday, November 11, at the age of…

Health Care Costs Crushing States– Is the Solution to Drop out of Medicaid?

The headline says it all. “States' Woes Spur Medicaid Drop-Out…

Too many do-gooders?

I've had a chance to talk by phone with a number of superintendents…

Was Galileo Wrong?

Diane Ravitch, the eminent historian of education, has noted…

Regulating Regulations

During the gubernatorial campaign, Governor Patrick promised…

Raining Cats and Dogs: Massachusetts Local Budgets

A Boston Globe headline today seems to imply cities and towns…

Patrick-Baker Compared to Brown-Coakley

Scott Brown’s election in January 2010 was supposed to be the…

Giving Voters the Information They Need

Here we sit on election eve.  Before us are decisions not only…

Health Care in the Mid-terms: What the Polls really tell us

Trying to read the tea leaves of poll numbers on the general…

Do we misdiagnose younger students as ADHD?

The PreventDisease.com website highlighted a couple of studies…

If the feds pay, the states will play

Don't worry, Governor Patrick, Lieutenant Governor Murray and…

American as baseball, apple pie and primary care doctors?

Harvard Medical School recently announced an anonymous gift of…

Globe's Puzzling Emphasis on Clean Energy

Today's Globe endorses Deval Patrick for Governor, an expected…

Teaching the district a lesson

We’ve seen this movie all too many times. There was the kerfluffle…

Is the job picture improving?

I confess to being stumped by the contradictory information circulating…