MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

MA Public Opinion of RomneyCare
Kay Lazar had an interesting piece in The Boston Globe on a…

Kerry should leave lending standards alone
Our compassionate Sen. John Kerry is at it again, in behalf…

More Bad News for Governor’s Regulatory Regime for Payment Reform
A Washington Post article today is sure to influence the debate…

Smaller, Fewer is Not Better
While the rest of the US created jobs after the 2001 recession,…

Bob Haynes will leave labor worse than he found it
Nobody should shed any tears for Bobby Haynes, the longtime president…

Phoenix Charter Academy’s Mission Impossible?
The month of May opened with the official granting of 16 charters.…

School dollars and health reform
Calls for more funding for education are common. Policy organizations…

Is Medicaid (MassHealth) Preventing the Poor from Breaking out of Addiction?
Lawrence Harmon of The Boston Globe had a very interesting…

(Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know About the MBTA
[WARNING: Hard-core transportation nerdiness ahead. Consider…

The Soft Cost of Doing Business In Massachusetts?
If you talk with business leaders, you hear stories about the…

Your vote is sacred, unless we don’t like it
The vote of the people is sacred.
Except when it’s not.

We’re #5! No wait, we’re #43!
During last year's gubernatorial campaign, CNBC ranked Massachusetts…

4 lessons from vocational-technical schools
Over the past couple of weeks, I've shared a number of videos…

Gov. Patrick’s Regulatory Regime for Payment Reform
This was the testimony I submitted today to the Joint Committee…

Voc-tech schools lowering the dropout rate
This is the fifth and final leg of my series on the tremendous…

Pay-to-play is rampant in Boston
Interesting juxtaposition in the news of the week.
Sal DiMasi,…

Jobs for kids? Try cutting the minimum wage
The Boston Globe remains an unapologetic public-relations arm…

Voc-tech success with special needs students
Whenever I talk to education experts and people interested…

Flawed Foundation of the Pacheco Law
Those seeking more competition in government have opposed the…

Cracks in the national standards consensus
Back in the fall, I mentioned that I thought that after the…

Vocational-technical schools working with business
The local business community has always been heavily involved…