MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Elizabeth Warren – selectively smart

Politicians have all sorts of ways of avoiding questions they…

A Scorecard for MassDOT

I keep seeing trial balloons for a gas tax hike. And I keep thinking…

MassDOT, Scorecards, and the Gas Tax

In my last post, I put together a model of what MassDOT communicating…

Inspector Clouseau-style accountability

I noted two weeks ago that recent MCAS data don’t tell a…

Unemployment – It’s Worse Than You Think

Massachusetts has done relatively well (or maybe less bad is…

Whose Money Talks in Mass Politics?

The Occupy protesters still have a variety of viewpoints represented…

Boston About Results 3.0

The grandiose promises of politicians frequently disappoint.…

Steve Jobs on education in America

Tip of the hat to Whitney Tilson for passing around excerpts…

Life Lessons From Steve Jobs

In a blog post entitled Bill Gates doesn't like the liberal…

Musings on the Occupy Movement in Boston

OccupyBoston has captured lots of media space with their occupation…

Is student achievement in Massachusetts falling flat?

The short answer that will come in this and blog posts in the…

Dumb and Dumber – Proposed Bill

You can agree or disagree on most bills in the State House.…

Obama Admin Rethinking Massachusetts Model? Part 2

My now monthly blog post wondering if there will be agreement…

Pull Back the Curtains

Local news over the past few years has had plenty of stories…

Learning From A Tragedy

On the afternoon of January 9, 2009, the brakes on Ladder Company…

Over Confidential

Being a litigious society, we have all received emails from lawyers…

Proven Approaches to Dropout Prevention

Tomorrow the state's Joint Committee on Education will meet…

If You Want to Run for Office…

This is a good year to do so. The Gallup numbers are no surprise…

Heroes of the MBTA

It's bloodsport in these parts to complain about the MBTA. But…

Pension reform is reform-lite

More proof that those employed in Massachusetts’ public sector…

Sidewalk Superintendent Series: Parking Spaces or Public Places?

A unwelcome phenomena in Boston is the use of public space for…

Is Cake Health the Answer to Our Health Care Cost Problem?

I just stumbled upon a great app that is helping individuals…

Examining Pension Talking Points

The state Senate approved a pension reform package yesterday.…

In New England, Massachusetts leads job growth – for state employees

I reached out about a month and a half ago to Governor Patrick's…

Patrick Admin’s Misdiagnosis on ACA Transparency

This post was co-written by Michael Morisy. During this year’s…

Silliness Buried In the Casino Bill

The coming casino debate has a whiff of anticlimax, as it appears…

What We Learned From Sal DiMasi

Barring a successful (or incredibly lengthy) appeal, Sal DiMasi…

Are ACOs designed to care for grandparents also good for their grandkids?

This op-ed ran in the Boston Business Journal Friday September…

Boston’s Advanced Work Class Maze

In Boston, school starts tomorrow (except for K1 and K2, which…

Does Your Doctor Know How Much That Costs?

A local group  (run by a former classmate of mine) is accepting…