MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Why did Evergreen Solar backers miss the Chinese threat?

In reviewing hundreds of pages of documents related to Massachusetts'…

Rise of the Zune Monopolists

"Understand, I am not for monopoly when we can help it,”…

Our Old Friend Film Tax Credits

There's a state commission that's currently examining all the…

Some lessons for virtual learning

There is so much energy in the virtual learning space right…

Will Mass Set up a Basic Health Plan under ACA?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Will the ACA Bankrupt the Mass Connector?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Obamacare Means Big Changes for Romneycare

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

The Connector Supports President Obama’s Reelection?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Frank: One of a kind, but not in a good way

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank’s retirement announcement…

Session 6 -CMS & Mass Marriage Counseling

Today marks the 6th extension granted to the Commonwealth for…

Taking Commuter Rail In-House?

Bad idea. At least that appeared to be the consensus at commuter…

Examining Our Community Colleges

Community Colleges are a popular topic these days - with two…

National standards will define local curricula

I don’t know why (well, actually, I do) the national standards…

Myths about National Standards: Myth #2

The French painter, poet, novelist, director, etc., Jean Cocteau…

Questions for the AG on Health Reform 2

Attorney General Coakley spoke this afternoon at MAHP's annual…

The Dog That Didn’t Bark — Chelsea Housing Authority and the Auditor

It feels like a familiar story - an obscure public sector entity…

Myths About National Standards: Myth #1

Being half Greek and long a admirer of Classical Antiquity,…

What a Deal: State $. No Oversight?

Imagine getting money from the state on a no-bid basis. Even…

Pressley’s Victory and Connolly’s Regrets

The more you look at Ayanna Pressley’s first-place finish in…

Does Mass. Exclude Low-Achievers from National Education Tests?

Last week, in reporting the national test results on how…

What will adoption of national standards cost Massachusetts schools?

It’s always struck me as odd that with all the talk about…

Brief Thoughts on Tuesday’s Election Results

Monster win for Pressley: She topped the ticket unequivocally.…

Preserving Benefits Trumps Public Safety

Police union leaders are forever claiming that their highest…

5 Things to Watch in Tuesday’s At Large City Council Race

Next Tuesday's municipal election in Boston has a competitive…

Massachusetts: Flatlined on national tests?

EdWeek's Erik Robelen is reporting on the just released national…

Could Solyndra have happened in Massachusetts?

Solyndra could serve as a textbook case for the dangers of government…

Horses for Courses; Fire Trucks for Fires

I've written previously about Boston About Results and I'll repeat…

Halloween, Headless Horsemen and Literature in our Schools

The Headless Horseman, painting by John Quidor. In this season…

BPS Meets the Market

Boston Public Schools are competing for students, whether you…