9 Keys For Reality TV Chefs

(What, you think we can only do policy?) There's been a proliferation…

Beacon Hill Budget Games

I'm a bit perplexed at the latest round of expectation-setting…

Budgeting Innovation?

If you deal with budgets regularly, you know the pain of trying…

Are We Fighting Health Care Costs or Health Care Spending?

Liberal blogger Matt Yglesias over at Slate recently made…

Can the MBTA Learn From Germany?

Participate in the transportation conversation long enough and…

Benefit of The Doubt? Not For Gov. Tim Murray

Lieut. Gov. Tim Murray has forfeited the benefit of the doubt. Murray,…

Odds-On Favorite? Not the Lottery

The Massachusetts state lottery has made news the past few weeks…

2012 Massachusetts State Spending Map

In 2012, Pioneer Institute proudly reprised this exciting online…

A Deeper Dive into the Mass Health Reform Waiver & Why it Matters to the Future of the ACA

On December 20th, Governor Deval Patrick, and the entire Massachusetts…

MBTA Puts the Screws to Bus Riders

The MBTA released two scenarios to deal with a projected FY13…

Will 2012 be the year of the e-patient?

Dave deBronkart gave an interesting talk at a TED conference…

Can employers require job applicants to have a high school diploma?

BNA, a subsidiary of Bloomberg L.P., is a great source of…

What is blended learning?

A number of readers of recent posts on virtual (or digital) learning…

Tough Times on virtual learning

Back at the start of December, I blogged on the need for both…

Filling the Red Kettle

The Salvation Army is struggling to raise money this year through…

Mass and Feds Cut a Deal on Medicaid Waiver

This afternoon the Patrick Administration announced a new deal…

What will 2012 Look Like for Health Care?

I was recently asked by a reporter for some trends that I expect…

The wrong strategy to fix Lawrence public schools

With a wondrous display of British understatement, the state’s…

Massachusetts raced other states to win over doomed Evergreen Solar

In my last post, I took a look at how surprisingly credulous…

Tim Tebow, the Read Option and Our Patriots

(What? I have to do policy wonk stuff all the time?) Tim Tebow…

Boston’s Struggle With 3rd Grade Reading

Achieving reading proficiency by 3rd Grade is a vital skill,…

Why did Evergreen Solar backers miss the Chinese threat?

In reviewing hundreds of pages of documents related to Massachusetts'…

Rise of the Zune Monopolists

"Understand, I am not for monopoly when we can help it,”…

Our Old Friend Film Tax Credits

There's a state commission that's currently examining all the…

Some lessons for virtual learning

There is so much energy in the virtual learning space right…

Will Mass Set up a Basic Health Plan under ACA?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Will the ACA Bankrupt the Mass Connector?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Obamacare Means Big Changes for Romneycare

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

The Connector Supports President Obama’s Reelection?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Frank: One of a kind, but not in a good way

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank’s retirement announcement…