MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Studying the Humanities in the 2020s
At a time of tumultuous and sometimes vitriolic debates on American campuses, here are seven guiding principles to help college student thinking about studying history or any other humanities subject.

Gargantuan Graduation Gift: Biden Writes Check From Taxpayers To College Grads
This week on Hubwonk, host Joe Selvaggi talks with Dr. Beth Akers, AEI Senior Fellow, about the recent presidential executive order to cancel an estimated $500 billion in outstanding student debt. They explore who benefits, who pays, and the likely effects on tuition and the borrowing habits of future students.

With Declining Enrollment, Public Colleges in Massachusetts Cut Back Adjunct Faculty Positions
The number of adjunct faculty positions is declining at public colleges and universities in Massachusetts.

A Closer Look at Public Higher Education Employees in Massachusetts
Massachusetts is home to many colleges and universities, both…

School Expenditures in the 2019 and 2020 School Years
The Massachusetts K-12 school system has been regarded as the…

One UMass System, Different Reopening Plans
One UMass System, Different Reopening Plans
On March 11, UMass…

The Chancellor at this University Makes about 18.5 Times what an Average Employee at this Same University Makes…
According to MassOpenBooks, the average annual pay for UMass…

A Rational Voice on the State of American Higher Education and the Cost Crisis
At a time of increasing disruption in the higher education marketplace,…

Guess What Massachusetts Public Employee Earns Over $1 Million
The State Comptroller’s Office makes available annual salary…

Has UMass used financial aid packages to favor out-of-state students?
A recent Pioneer Institute report concluded that the University…

Pioneer is critical because UMass is critical
The University of Massachusetts system is critical to the future…

The New Game of Life: Tuition and Debt
Back in 2005, the Milton Bradley Company launched a new version…

Inconsistencies in UMass’ Reporting of Deferred Maintenance
In assembling the data for Pioneer’s UMass at a Crossroads…

With UMass Tuition Hikes on Horizon, Key Issues for Legislators to Consider
Pioneer Institute Public Statement
Later this month, the University…