Boston School Choice Surprise

I’ve written previously on the Boston school lottery and last week was an eventful one. In 2004, a blue ribbon panel looked at the Boston School Assignment system, floated a few proposals (like six zones), but ultimately decided not to make wholesale changes. (The chair of that panel, incidentally, called for a complete end to busing, and thus the assignment zones by my reading, a few weeks ago in the Globe. In last year’s State of the City address, Mayor Menino called on the school department to reexamine the zone assignment systems for savings. And then, with no lead up or hearings, the School Department released its FY10 budget cutting plan with a five zone school assignment proposal. It’s interesting […]

Government apples and private apples

I’ve always thought state policy is more interesting than federal policy. It takes so much to move big things in Washington. It is so much easier to get a waiver, to test and correct at the state level. And then all those 000000s make me think there is less to what they are doing in DC. And in the zeroes, you can include all the lobbyists. But let me wander a bit into the thicket of the “stimulus package,” which we once knew as the “bailout” before Obama became president. Question: We hear everyone bemoan the lack of savings by Americans. We need to save more, they say, because we are living beyond our ability to sustain the spending rate […]

Ban the Lobbyists and…

Someone finally read the outside sections of the Governor’s budget and found his attempt to ban public entities from hiring lobbyists. This is a good idea and the Governor deserves credit; seems foolish and a bit circular to have public entities spend taxpayer funds to pay someone to go up to Beacon Hill to ask for… more taxpayer funds. So, we’ll tip our hat to the Governor and raise him one — how about banning these same entities from making donations to charitable organizations? Shamie Center Board Member Tom Keane raised the issue several years ago and its still relevant.

Il Sorpasso

A great Italian movie of the early sixties directed by Dino Risi, usually translated as “The Easy Life.” The actual meaning is “the passing maneuver” — and that is the moment we are about to witness. Our friends at the Education Intelligence Agency, white hats and trench coats at the ready, note that we are very close to the moment when public sector union membership jets past the number of union employees in the private sector. A dangerous maneuver indeed. Last year was one of the best in ages for organized labor, as 428,000 members were added to union rolls. But before you crack open your choice of champagne or cyanide, it’s worth examining what propelled the boost. The unionization […]

In Defense of Michael Flaherty's Kitchen

City Councillor Michael Flaherty announced his candidacy for mayor last weekend on youtube. One peculiar part of the video is the (unintentional) prominence of the KitchenAid standmixer on the counter behind him. I know I was not the only one fixated on this. Howie Carr jumped on this detail to accuse Flaherty of being uppity and looking to move to the ritzy South Shore at the first opportunity: I couldn’t take my eyes off that high-end Yuppie KitchenAid mixer on the granite counter behind him – close to $500, would be my guess. Then you realize: a year from now, that pricey mixer is going to be on an even fancier granite counter – in Duxbury. I must refute this […]

The Teachers Union Meets the Market

There’s an interesting experiment going on in Boston right now — the Boston Teachers’ Union is starting a pilot school next year and is working, hard, to attract students. (Let’s not talk about the cynical process that lead to the expansion of pilots in Boston, ok?) They are facing the challenges of a start-up school. With just a building and two lead teachers (its version of a principal, I believe) in place, how do you get parents interested and committed? They are taking an interesting approach, attempting to start next year with K1, K2, Grade 1, Grade 2, and two Grade 6 classes. Why two Grade 6 classes? My hunch is that the BTU knows that there is big overhang […]

16 Years Later, Merger Savings Realized!

As we contemplate a major shake-up of our transportation system in order to capture efficiencies, it’s worth pondering some cautionary tales from state government. Today’s Herald brings news that the State Police are considering the consolidation of barracks, particularly in the Boston area (a region with barracks in Government Center, Boston, Brighton, and South Boston, as well as Milton and Framingham a bit further out.). This duplication is due in part to the merger of the MDC police with the State Police in 1992. The state police union is implacably opposed (I’m not shocked), but I’d note that many of these barracks are in absolutely shameful physical condition. But the larger lesson is: realizing even obvious efficiencies in state government […]

The Governor's choice on charter schools

The Governor’s proposal on charter schools does two things: It increases the cap on commonwealth charter schools for a single year in districts falling in the state’s lowest performing districts, and it changes the funding formula in a way that puts equitable funding for charters at risk. The proposal ostensibly creates 4500 new charter seats, but stipulates a range of sub-groups that must make up 80 percent of the charter student body, including low-income, limited English proficient or special education students, or students determined to be at risk of dropping out. In addition, LEP and SPED enrollments in each new charter must exceed the sending district’s average by 5%. The one-year limit on the time to create any new charter […]

Additional Assistance is Gone?

The Governor’s Budget was released today (well, some of it anyway, it’s four hours after the formal release and none of the companion bills are available yet). One really surprising finding was the elimination of Additional Assistance, a roughly $380 million piece of local aid. To see who gets what currently from this line item, look here. In principle, this is a good idea. Additional Assistance stands out among a variety of local aid programs as having almost no rationale for the distribution of aid (unlike lottery and chapter 70 education aid). But as a practical matter, it’s a pretty big pill for certain municipalities, like Boston ($164 million of a $2.1 billion budget), to swallow, particularly in a single […]

Great Moments in Public Management, Pt. MCMLXVII

New York’s Inspector General has released a scathing report on the former state health commissioner (and former Surgeon General) Antonia Novello that details her rampant abuse of state automobiles and employees. She used them to ferry her on various shopping expeditions, run numerous personal errands, and perform household tasks. My favorite comment from a former employee, as pointed out by the New York Times: Novello’s fondness for shopping was so well known that employees in the office would give her sales fliers or coupons to encourage her to leave the office so that they would not have to work late

MA budget woes and the federal stimulus package

Governor Patrick has to close a budget gap of at least $950 million at this point. How will he do it? What we know so far is that the Governor is seeking · Over $300 million in additional cuts · $128 million local aid cuts Which means that via withdrawals from state reserves and anticipated assistance from the still being defined federal stimulus package, he will need to close at least half a billion dollars of the budget gap. I think we will be learning quite a lot about the federal stimulus package from the Governor’s budget announcement at 11 a.m.

Fiddling while the budget burns

It took about a year after I left the State House to realize that no one outside the building cared when the Governor’s budget was released or who vetoed what or hundreds of other ‘events’ inside the building. With that in mind, I think its time for the House of Representatives to call themselves to order for real. The protracted drama over Sal DiMasi and the now-resolved Rogers-DeLeo spat made for great palace intrigue. But they crowded out important policy issues, like massive mid-year 9C cuts, a $3 billion deficit in FY10, and..yes..the upcoming release of the Governor’s budget.

What Problem Are They Trying To Solve

Bureaucracies have a wonderful, self-sustaining way of letting rules and regulations evolve. They are less skilled at pulling back from their day-to-day existence and asking “why do we do this?” I bring this up to frame a story of one particular family’s experience registering with the Boston Public Schools (which have seen enrollment decline over the past 10 years). And from anecdotal evidence, I can assure you that no one from outside Boston is sneaking their children into Boston’s kindergartens. Yet, upon presentation of proof-of-residency that included a copy of their property deed, multiple utility bills, proof of mortgage payment, and car registration, they were informed that additional documentation would be needed. (And as a sidebar, all this information is […]

Will the Guv hit a homer on charters or more ho-hum

The Governor is making an announcement on charters. He has taken a lot of heat on his opposition subsequent to the Boston Foundation report that clearly demonstrates their success. The question is whether he will come out and target attention on charters to the urban districts, which we believe should be the compromise, or whether he will come up with an unworkable finance scheme? If the latter, if he underfunds charters, then he is essentially making the argument that we should have a separate and unequal funding stream for charters. He doesn’t want to do that now, or does he? Remember: Ed reform in 1993 came out of a court case that insisted on a fairer use of funds for […]

Jeremy Piven?

Today’s Globe has a well-meaning op-ed that uses Jeremy Piven’s alleged mercury poisoning as its lead. This would be the ‘mercury poisoning’ that required him to go to Thailand to recuperate. For those of you with great interest in the topic, the NYPost recaps a variety of Mr. Piven’s exploits during his illness, including boozy late night parties and using mass text messages as a way of…ahem..meeting new friends. And a fisheries trade group took the liberty of posting Mr. Piven’s recent Good Morning America appearance on you-tube, with their own running commentary. In their defense, the op-eds authors do clear their throats two paragraphs into the piece, noting that Piven is widely discredited at this point. So don’t use […]