Tag Archive for: retirement

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Study Finds Pension Obligation Bonds Could Worsen T Retirement Fund’s Financial Woes
A new study published by Pioneer Institute finds that issuing pension obligation bonds (POBs) to refinance $360 million of the MBTA Retirement Fund’s (MBTARF’s) $1.3 billion unfunded pension liability would only compound the T’s already serious financial risks.

Public Statement on the MA Legislature’s Blanket Pension Giveaway
Beacon Hill just put on full display what happens when it is awash in money. House Bill 2808 is entitled, “An Act relative to providing a COVID-19 retirement credit to essential public workers.” It calls for adding three years of additional retirement credit to state “employees who have volunteered to work or have been required to work at their respective worksites or any other worksite outside of their personal residences during the COVID-19 state of emergency…” But upon reading the brief bill, it quickly becomes clear that this legislation is irresponsible in the extreme.

New Study Warns Graduated Income Tax Will Harm Many Massachusetts Retirees
If passed, a constitutional amendment to impose a graduated income tax would raid the retirement plans of Massachusetts residents by pushing their owners into higher tax brackets on the sales of homes and businesses, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute. The study, entitled “The Graduated Income Tax Trap: A retirement tax on small business owners,” aims to help the public fully understand the impact of the proposed new tax.

The Graduated Income Tax Trap: A retirement tax on small business owners
This report finds that, if passed, a constitutional amendment to impose a graduated income tax would raid the retirement plans of Massachusetts residents by pushing their owners into higher tax brackets on the sales of homes and businesses. The study aims to help the public fully understand the impact of the proposed new tax.

Stonewalled at City Hall
Pioneer Institute interns often visit government offices to obtain…

Study: Evidence Suggests MBTA Pension Low-Balled Costs And Liabilities
Quarter-century of data shows costs at up to six times valuation…

Study: Inefficient Public Pension Investment Costs Taxpayers About $100 Million A Year
Local systems forfeited some $2.9 billion over 30 years by not…

Ensuring a secure financial future for older adults
Every day, 10,000 Americans turn age 65. Adults over this age…

Report Calls for Independent Audit & Actuarial Valuation of T Pension Fund
Response commissioned by fund to whistleblower report dismissed…

Study: Public Pension Liabilities Are Undervalued by Tens of Billions of Dollars
Historical Market Performance of Asset Classes Held by Retirement…

MA Retirement Systems in Critical Condition, Fiscal Risks Remain High
Expert Testimony: Several Retirement Systems in Critical Condition,…

Have the MBTA’s Retirement Plans Gone Off the Rails?
Study Finds Lack of Transparency and Chronic Underfunding Among…

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Pension speed limits needed
Public retirement funds’ managers should embrace new reforms designed to minimize risk during this period of continued market volatility.

Rhetoric and Reality: A Closer Look at the Massachusetts State Pension System
Rhetoric and Reality: A Closer Look at the Massachusetts State…

The Elephant in the Room: Unfunded Public Employee Health Care Benefits and GASB 45
Authors: Eric S. Berman, CPA, Deputy Comptroller, Commonwealth…

Leaving Money on the Table: The 106 Pension Funds of Massachusetts
Author: Ken Ardon
The focus of this paper is the choice that…