Tag Archive for: k-12

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Emily Hanford on Reading Science & K-12 Literacy
Emily Hanford, host of the hit podcast Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong, discusses the science of reading, the long whole language v. phonics debate, the impact of the digital age on learning, and the importance of academic background knowledge for children becoming better readers.

Professor Jay Parini on Thirteen Books That Changed America
This week on The Learning Curve, Jay Parini, Professor of English and Creative Writing at Middlebury College, discusses his book Promised Land: Thirteen Books That Changed America, detailing how William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, The Federalist Papers, and the works of Thoreau, Stowe, Twain, Du Bois, and others have shaped the American mind, character, and identity.

UVA Prof. Dan Willingham on Learning Science & K-12 Schooling
This week on The Learning Curve, University of Virginia Professor Dan Willingham discusses the psychology of learning, his advocacy of using scientific knowledge in classroom teaching and education policy, and his critique of the “learning styles theory” of education.

Op-ed: A Frankenstein’s monster attacks school literature
This op-ed appeared in The Springfield Republican, The Berkshire…

Tough Times on virtual learning?

How to Strengthen K-12 Mathematics Education in Massachusetts: Implications of National Mathematics Advisory Panel’s Report
Implications of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel’s Report…