Tag Archive for: Industry

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Average Weekly Wage Change for two Massachusetts Counties with Differing Densities
Each industry in a county varies differently in wage growth and decline. This blog analyzes how wages changed in major industries for the most urban and most rural economy in Massachusetts.

Northwest Massachusetts’ Reliance on Industry Levies
Some towns in NW Massachusetts spend significantly more per capita than their neighbors, without using methods such as large state funding, deficit spending, and high taxes. These towns gain significant portions of their revenue from industry tax levies.

‘High’ U.S. Drug Prices Mask Freeloading by Other Nations
The drug company’s choice is to walk away from millions in revenue from a given country and deny their people a lifesaving drug, or swallow hard and accept an unfair price that is nowhere near the drug’s value. For the sake of shareholders and patients, drug companies typically accept the unfair price and devote the revenue to offsetting their previous investments. In short, other nations are freeloading off of American R&D.

Pioneer Study: Adopt Innovative Approaches to Address K-12 STEM Teacher Shortage
States and school districts should look to innovations like endowing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) chairs in high schools to address a growing K-12 teacher shortage, according to a new white paper published by Pioneer Institute.

GDP by Industry: Middlesex County v. Suffolk County
Middlesex and Suffolk counties have contributed far more to the state's GDP than any other county in Massachusetts. However, the two differ in which industries are responsible for the greatest shares of their GDP.