Tag Archive for: ELA

Study: Ed Reform Has Improved Academic Performance and Equity

Over the past 30 years, rigorous standards, assessments, and accountability for outcomes have propelled Massachusetts public schools to become the nation’s best. Taking away the high-stakes component of MCAS would weaken the accountability system and lead stakeholders to de-emphasize the assessment data that drives high-quality instruction, according to a new study published by Pioneer Institute.

Why Huck Finn Matters: Classic Literature in Schooling (Pt. 1: Keynotes)

The Pioneer Institute hosted a forum September 19, 2012 at…

“Why Huck Finn Matters: Classic Literature in Schooling” (Sept. 19, 2012)

Pioneer Institute hosted a forum on September 19, 2012 at the…

Patriot Ledger: Changes in teaching leave Huck Finn out in the cold

The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s decision to adopt weaker national standards known as “Common Core” cuts students' instruction in classic literature and poetry in half.