Tag Archive for: Catholic

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

U of SC Prof. Jennifer Frey on National Catholic Schools Week & Flannery O’Connor’s Fiction
As we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, “The Learning Curve" co-host Cara Candal talks with Dr. Jennifer Frey, an associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina and fellow of the Institute for Human Ecology at the Catholic University of America. Dr. Frey shares why Catholic education is so vitally important in the lives of families, schoolchildren, and communities, with its commitment to nurturing an appreciation for “the true, the good, and the beautiful” among students from all faith backgrounds.

Bad IDEA: How States Block Federal Special Education Funding to Private and Religious School Students
This report finds that two states and three school districts around the country for which data are available appear to be out of compliance with provisions of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that require provision of equitable, publicly funded special education services to students in private schools, after a $3.8 million settlement was reached in Massachusetts for failure to comply.

Boston Catholic Schools Supt. Tom Carroll on National Catholic Schools Week
This week on “The Learning Curve," Cara and Gerard celebrate National Catholic Schools Week with Tom Carroll, superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of Boston. He shares his view of the value that Catholic schools add; the reasons for their success at improving student outcomes and creating a sense of community; and their commitment to serving children from underprivileged backgrounds, regardless of religious affiliation.

New Book Offers Roadmap to Sustainability for Massachusetts Catholic Schools
Catholic schools in Massachusetts must focus on the characteristics that make them academically successful and distinguish them from traditional public schools, but must also seek new models and governance structures that will help them achieve financial sustainability, according to a new book published by Pioneer Institute. The book, "A Vision of Hope: Catholic Schooling in Massachusetts," will be the topic of a webinar co-sponsored by Pioneer and the Catholic Schools Foundation to be held on Wednesday, January 27 at 2:00 pm.

The Supreme Court Is Set To Decide Whether Religious Kids Are Allowed A Good Education
Thanks to Kendra Espinoza, a determined Montana mom, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up and hopefully strike down the infamous legacy of state Know-Nothing and Blaine amendments. From Massachusetts to Michigan and across the nation, this case has the potential to overturn a century and a half of state constitutional discrimination against religious families and their quest for the most suitable and effective education for their children.

State DPH Continues to Deny Private School Students Millions in School Nurse Services
State should establish a fund to provide partial support for…

Op-ed: A Novel Solution To An Old Problem
By Tom Birmingham | The Boston Pilot | December 15, 2017

Press Release: Definitive Biographer of Pope St. John Paul II to Keynote Cristo Rey High Schools Event
Update: Watch the event videos below, in order.

Study Explores Potential for Medical Voc-Tech Education in Catholic Schools
Programs could help stem enrollment declines, provide opportunity…

Op-ed: Challenge and Opportunity for Catholic Education
Given our desire to do as much as we can, especially to help poor urban kids participate fully in the American Dream, we need to provide them with access to school choice options: charter schools; vocational-technical schools; private and parochial schools; and METCO. Choice is what the privileged have for their children. Why shouldn't everyone have access to high quality academic options?

Study Finds Common Core Incompatible With Catholic Education
Singular focus on workforce development conflicts with Catholic…

Event To Call For Moving “Know-Nothing” Governor’s Portrait From State House Wall
Bigoted Know-Nothing Amendments still part of state constitution

Join us 8/1: “Move This Portrait: The Know-Nothings’ Governor & Barriers to School Choice”
Henry Gardner was the Know-Nothing Governor of Massachusetts…

Dumping Massachusetts’ Know-Nothing Amendments: Church, State, and School Reform
Pioneer released a research paper on Massachusetts Catholic schools, giving them high marks for providing a high-quality education and a safe learning environment for poor and working-class families at a substantially lower cost than the average public school’s per-pupil expenditure.