Press Releases on the Massachusetts Economy

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Floor falls out in California housing

On the LA Times blog today there is a distressing bit of news…
March 26, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Fed corporate tax killing state competitiveness

One could sum up a report from the Tax Foundation as saying the…
March 24, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Counterintuitive Healthcare Cost Data

It has been the conventional wisdom that small businesses are…
March 20, 2008/by Steve Poftak

So, which is it?

Our friends at CURP and A Better City held an event on Oct. 31st…
March 3, 2008/by Steve Poftak

Debating biotech on NECN

Some improvements in the House version of the biotech bill resulted…
March 3, 2008/by Jim Stergios

One down, two to go

Just a few months ago, a wise man said the proof of success in…
February 26, 2008/by Steve Poftak

Nice job by Regional Planning Agencies

Kudos to the state's planning agencies for coming together to…
February 19, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Two connections are missing

In a number of articles in the Boston press on the Governor's…
February 18, 2008/by Jim Stergios

The Dome does not get it

But Steve Bailey does. Not because he mentions Pioneer's work…
February 16, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Chinatown bus

I know there have been, let's call it, some issues with the Chinatown…
February 11, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Concentrating poverty in our cities

The Globe reports in "Warehouse for the Poor" that Holyoke and…
February 9, 2008/by Jim Stergios

Tough fight but they are right

Lenore and Skip Schloming of the Small Property Owners Association…
February 5, 2008/by Jim Stergios

A bit like asking if we should build the South Coast rail link

A friend on Friday mentioned her visit to infamous Gravina Island.…
January 30, 2008/by Jim Stergios

You can still make money in Boston real estate

In today's Metro, Mayor Menino is asked why the Hynes Center…
January 16, 2008/by Alan Petrillo

Unemployment Insurance: A Drag on Employment?

Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts: Burdening Businesses and Hurting Job Creation, a new Pioneer Policy Brief, presents convincing evidence that UI’s problems are serious, but solvable.
January 16, 2008/by Editorial Staff

New Business Creation and The Urban Economy

Author(s): John H. Friar — Publication date: 2008-02-28 Category:…
January 1, 2008/by Editorial Staff

The Knock-on Effect of the Subprime Mess

I attended the Finance Advisory Board meeting last week and one…
December 27, 2007/by Steve Poftak

Stack em high

What level of concentration of poverty is the right amount? Is…
December 21, 2007/by Scott W. Graves

46 years ago and still true

Jane Jacobs was the maven of public input, but she is also in…
December 20, 2007/by Scott W. Graves

Who said this?

Could, for instance, more services be privatized? Could state…
December 20, 2007/by Steve Poftak

Maxing out the State Credit Card

As noted in yesterday's post, the Commonwealth signaled its intention…
November 30, 2007/by Steve Poftak